A variety of neat activities and educational pages.
My goodness. I love this website’s activities and educational pages. I really should be studying right now, but here are a few of my favorites so far.
Plenty more to check out!
I feel like 35 is too young to have completed 51/66 tasks in the life checklist. I’m too young for a midlife crisis (fingers crossed, anyways)!
Yeah, I feel like it’s heavily skewed towards the beginning of life, but tbf I feel like the cool things you do later in life are harder to quantify? Could add things like:
- I’m trying to think of how to quantify a “Have 0 debt” option but like, post mortgage or something.
- Establish a friend group
- Hang out with at least one member of that friend group for 5 / 10 / 15 years
- Go to an interesting location as part of your job (conventions count)
- See a historical human-made artifact in person
- See a legitimate dinosaur bone in person (not cast)
- Visit your country’s capital
- Create a piece of art and enter it into something that has it be viewed by people outside your family / friends