32 points
Reminds me of:
25 points
So, Nestlé basically
12 points
Yup, since the news about making water private i just don’t buy any of their shit
5 points
10 points
10 points
There really needs to be more regulation. For instance how Facebook and Google just buy all the competition. Unfortunately introducing new regulations or enforcing current ones keeps getting harder due to corruption.
3 points
1 point
That is only a patch on a sinking ship. Capitalism will always lead to such “corruption” bc it strives for profits and when it hits a roadblock like regulations it will try to circumvent it. The system is just trash
1 point
10 points
That’s some Nestlé level meme
5 points
Highly recommend to read The Black Book of Corporations by Klaus Werner and co. There is plenty of interesting examples _