Jordan, Jordan are you okay?
Someone check if he had a stroke
Or if the shady induced-coma procedure he underwent to kick them off last time didn’t leave him with brain damage
The only thing that could convince me that he didn’t sustain significant brain damage after that is an actual medical analysis that proves otherwise.
Dude has never been the same, not that he was much better before. These are definitely the ramblings of a brain damaged, enabled pseudo-intellectual Right-winger.
Browsing r/researchchemicals, r/drugs etc you see stuff with a similar vibe, barred out people believing they’re 100% sober posting barely readable nonsense
yo what the fuck his brain is completely fried. I thought this was fake so I checked his twitter. What is going on with his new writing style where he only puts a couple words per line? What is this?
"Sneak the truth
you were once
and what the fuck is going on here?
What could go wrong?
feathering their own
do you have a link to the second one? wanna send it to a friend who’s thinking about making their own mattress.
As long as comic book characters and video game characters continue to be black women, I don’t care what you call yourself.
Black, White and Other
Just like we’ve been saying this entire time right guys?