Having been here a while, I can say that we’ve apparently lost site of the roots of the community that originated on the subreddit, and while I don’t see a way to reverse this decline, I think it’s at least worth talking about.
Essentially the level and tenor of the discourse has altered dramatically; I’ve gone ahead and listed out the type and style of the high quality content we saw back on the day on the upper half of this diagram, and done what I could to contrast it with the sort of typical content and user type we see now. I think any objective observer will agree this is a downgrade.
Apologies for posting
This objection is child’s play.
This is content. But what sort of content? This is a post. But what is a post? The post is a relation which relates via posting to its own post, or it is that in the relation [which accounts for it] that the relation relates via posting to its own post; the post is not the relation but [consists in the fact] that the relation relates via posting to its own post. This is a synthesis of the infinite and the finite, of the temporal and the eternal, of freedom and necessity, in short it is a synthesis. A synthesis is a relation between two factors. So regarded, this is not yet a post.
If we’re doing gnosticism I’m gonna go take the Cainist position and say we can only be free from posting when we have experienced every possible kind of post in our life
“My gnosis will not be stopped; you Archons will not be ascendant!” I howl as the mods delete my 15th horny thread on the path to Cainist enlightenment.
Only through the material forms of the posts themselves can we intuit the essence of the formless non-posts.
I myself use posts only as a guidepost to glance at what is not illuminated. All of your non-posts have been wonderful as far as I can tell. I cannot tell as it is the nature of such things.
I would urge you to win against your demiurgical impulse and delete this post. However, it is too late already. A post deleted is qualitatively different from a non-post.