I’m so efficient I liked this post and moved on. Came back to brag about it, though. ;)
One of my first bosses noticed me doing a job in a particular laborish way when there were power tools available that would make it much easier. I remember him taking me aside and suggesting that it is better to use all the tools available if it makes the work easier. Better for me and better for him.
I have since become the boss and I often repeat similar advice to employees. I tell them I appreciate when they are working hard but I even appreciate it more when they work smarter but less hard. If there is a hole to dig, don’t grab a shovel when there is an excavator nearby. I am more impressed by the work you get done and even more so if you do it with minimal labor.
If I got things done, maybe. When I have to pay fees because I was too lazy to pay a bill in time, I don’t see how that’s efficient.
Is that laziness or forgetfulness? Like, did you actively decide not to pay your bill on time because you just couldn’t be arsed to do so?
Adhd, I always think I can just do it later and then suddenly it is too late.
I’ve trained myself to do important stuff like paying bills as soon as the task comes up because otherwise I would do the same.
“Oh I can do that later.”
“What was I supposed to do? Eh probably wasn’t important.”
Really sucks when a thing comes up and I really can’t do it right away because I’m in the middle of something else, or am away from where I need to do it. 😮💨
Except for the lazy ones.
Thats like saying kevin is 300 lbs because he is efficient, not lazy.
Nobody’s lazy, we’re just reserving the best part of our time for ourselves.