It’s official, red alerts have gone out across the entire country of Brazil as the heat index hits 137F. The high temperature combined with humidity has made it impossible for most people to carry out their normal lives. There’s already reports of power outages. People can’t work. They can’t run errands. They can barely sleep. It’s not even summer there yet.
That can be as low as 34C, with 90% humidity. I’m not trying to make it less of a problem, just trying to tune the clickbait down from 11.
Fuck humidity though. I can’t stand it.
Coming from a place that sees -40c to +40c almost every year, I can confirm this is not clickbait
Shit I worked with a guy from Oklahoma and mid August we were working near Toronto (Ontario) and he couldn’t take the heat and it was only 30 without the humidity.
That shit ain’t no joke
World News
Still uses F first
Seems like a load of bullshit. This is the only article about it, and it’s from…
Lol. Where are the mods?
Oh. This is the smaller world news. My bad.
It’s November tho…Does Brazil not have a winter?
A lot of Brazil is in the tropics, so no, not winter kinda latitudes.
But Brazil also extends to something like 33° South, where winter starts in June.
All hail market capitalism!
Turns out muh free market IS the solution to all human crises.
Can’t have human crises without humans, after all.