Seems pretty accurate for both sides.
Smells like conservative bullshit.
Even as a lefty this place is shockingly left leaning. Are there even any conservatives here?
This comment is so depressing. The comic isn’t about politics, it’s just pointing out that human nature is irrational and we’re influenced by how a message is delivered as well as the raw facts. Yet you have to find a political bias in it. Would you feel more positively about the comic if you knew that the author was on “your side”? (Which I’m guessing is the left)
It’s attacking the extremes of both and rightfully so
Why does it have to pick a political side?
So we posting boomer memes now
This is so bad, it’s got to be a MAGA meme
If any, this is making fun of MAGAs, which typically don’t care about facts.
That’s true, but the “Sue was offended” part reeks of boomer conservative insult.
I understand. This is weird, because the first part is like anti-MAGA and pro-facts. But the second part is anti-facts, and thus pro-MAGA. This is too much for my brain to handle.