Why is this a meme
same tbh
Go back with ad block so they loose money on data and power
But don’t participate. Don’t vote, don’t comment. Optionally don’t login as well. You get free entertainment and they loose money.
There’s hundreds of us! Hundreds!
But hey, apparently that’s enough, I haven’t been bored on Lemmy yet. And as the enshittification of Reddit continues there might well be some other exodus.
Being on Lemmy make me realise I was addicted to the front page of r*ddit having something new everytime I refreshed
Now I sort by top/6hours - reduced my screen time and see more quality things
It will be sad if peoples leave but if the top stay It is enough
Yes. I feel like I’m finally sorting between the addiction I developed to “content” on Reddit and the interaction that makes sites like this great.