I would like to post photos on a site that is accessible to others but that is A) somewhat respectful of personal information (i.e. nothing owned by Facebook); and B) is not too silly looking (Imgur). Is there any good option, or is Flickr still worthwhile? I don’t mind if the site charges a reasonable fee. Thank you.

1 point

Flickr is one of the few places where I feel like photos are posted as photos for people to enjoy, and not just to get likes. Some people have amazing looking galleries on there.

1 point

I love Flickr, it just does what other sites don’t do, allows me to share my photos in a way that makes sense to me. I think people using it as file space for all their photos rather than carefully curated content contributed to its initial downfall, and I was completely annoyed by Yahoo forcing me to have a Yahoo account. When it was bought by Verizon I pulled all my content and deleted my account. I’ve come back to it since it was purchased by the SmugMug people and am considering paying for a pro account but am managing with a free one at the moment.

1 point

It’s how I deliver my photos to clients. For the price, can’t beat it.

1 point

I haven’t used Flickr in a while, but I still get the occasional fave or even comment (that are not bots) on my older stuff.

Compared to my photography twitter account which sees nothing on my old posts, or my IG which sees next to nothing also, personally I’d say Flickr is still the most useful.

1 point

I find Flickr very useful when considering a lens or body. Using the search feature to filter by type narrows it down to what other people have shot. You get a good mix of art shots and snapshots.




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