I’m very confident in my abilities as a photographer, and I think my prices are fair, yet I am just not able to lock in a solid confirmation from potential clients, they always slip away.

I’m a student photographer offering portraits at a University, so maybe it’s college kid cash insecurity that is the problem, but then I wonder why they even bother to DM me in the first place?

I charge $10 a photo, minimum of $60 or 6 photos. From what I’ve heard that’s about as undercut to the competition as I can go, and yet no one is interested?

I know for certain that the market for portraits exists at my Uni, as I walk past our front entrance with a rival photographer and graduate model everyday.

Reaching people has always been my weakspot. I feel like there is a network I don’t exist in.

1 point

What are you offering that they can’t offer themselves with their phones? Seriously. That’s the question you need to have an answer for.

1 point

Most photographers don’t make it at the rates they charge (massive amount of die-off in the first 3 years among photographers trying to start a business) - trying to undercut that is a recipe for disaster. Plus, you’ll get zero respect from potential clients OR other photographers.

From your site, I don’t know what kind of photographer you are. You say you’re “very confident” and your site screams it - to the point of being very off-putting (“50% Dutch, 100% Talented, one man multimedia powerhouse?”). Your portfolio doesn’t back up arrogance, and you’re new at this…of course it doesn’t.

Your pricing and business skills need improvement, but it might need to start with social skills. If you sound like a douche (whether you actually are or not), people aren’t going to work with you. Your site is working against you at every turn in this regard.

1 point

I agree with this, the portfolio isn’t as strong as OP thinks.

1 point

How’s your website? How’s your portfolio?

1 point

If you are going for business customers you will need more than just good photos.

These customers have specific needs tied to their business goals. If you can pitch concepts that address these needs you have a chance to get hired. If you just show up with a nice portfolio you have only wasted everyone’s time.

Prepare before meeting those clients and do some research for the pitch.

1 point

It is more than about the money. It is about relationships. About surprising people with your images. About people being surprised when they really like the photos you have taken of them -and that it felt easy.

You need to find ways of making connections so that people start asking you to do work for them, not the other way around.

Shoot for the school paper. Shoot for the drama dept. Long lens low low angle close up action of the swimmers on the swim team. Find ways of doing things that most are not doing. Whatever your intetests are. Whatever cause you can help out on.




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