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And since you won’t be able to modify web pages, it will also mean the end of customization, either for looks (ie. DarkReader, Stylus), conveniance (ie. Tampermonkey) or accessibility.
The community feedback is… interesting to say the least.
There is a point when even the most tech-ignorant user will stop using terminally enshittified apps and websites. There are only so many ads you can hoist onto your users before they decide your content is not worth the annoyance.
Will people stop using Chrome now?
Let’s be honest: No.
Chrome is to the web what the Steam is to gaming: Chrome is the web, and it all started years ago. “Better with Chrome” was yet another sign on the road to make WebKit the only way to display a web page, yet, it continues to grow, in Android, Electron, IOS, everywhere.
This proposal is an absolute logical step forward, no surprise here.
“Don’t be evil”, didn’t wear well.
Honnêtement qu’ils le fassent, ça tuerait ce web 2.0 merdique pour moi et ça me forcerait a vraiment changer ma manière d’aller sur les internets.
Je découvre que je suis collapsologue, dis donc.
Shitposting de qualité, effectivement.
Après, je préfère qu’ils nous laissent un Web sans pub, c’est quand même une invention formidable. Ils ont juste tout corrompu pour faire de l’argent, c’est pas pour autant qu’on doit arrêter d’en profiter
Yes, yes. Do no evil, right?