I think it goes without saying, this person supports the ongoing genocide.
Communism has killed everyone who ever lived, everyone who ever will live, and all people in all possible conceivable universes.
The aphorism “Lenin lived, Lenin lives, Lenin will live” is a warning about how communists will bring you back to life so they can kill you again, over and over
Communism will resimulate all of its historic enemies so that they can be killed over and over again forever.
Oh my god, this one comment.
You can be proud of your nation because that’s your home, national pride is important
Concluding that statehood, nationality and geography (and maybe even ethnicity if we were to poke this nerd long enough) are this intertwined is such brainrot… not to mention that the home they originate from is most likely New Jersey.
“Greedy people who want to enslave and murder workers don’t kill anyone, its ideas that kill people”
it makes sense liberals believe this because they are all soulless ChatGPT algorithm bots who follow their programming! For lib, ideas have more effect on history than actual human will
It’s surprising how few people remember that Adolf Hitler was a guy. Like, a regular-ass human like you and me.
Ideologically, Hitler is about as radical as a church bowling league or a couple teenagers playing CoD on the couch. The difference between Hitler, the bowling league, and the teenagers is that Hitler had access to power to carry out those ideas, rather than him having those ideas. It’s telling because most people blame Hitler or the nazi party specifically rather than fascism as a whole.
Yes, Hitler was a bad person, but he could have been just a regular ass artist who may or may not have eventually outgrown those antisemitic beliefs, or Mussolini would have been blamed for all of fascism’s ideological crimes instead. Regardless, it doesn’t matter.
If communism killed billions and you oppose communism then maybe you should be interrogating why you supported nations that had billions of fascists to kill
I know it’s not logical but there’s very few types of people I feel a more visceral hatred for than these NATO trans girls. Perhaps it’s because I naively expect better from my fellow trans people, or perhaps it’s the uwu innocent smol bean princess aesthetic combined with the most bloodthirsty support for genocidal imperialist war, but they piss me off like few others do.
most bloodthirsty support for genocidal imperialist war
i think it’s because they think this will create a utopia where gay trans people are finally accepted
I’m not sure about that, I found her Instagram and she is a self described monarchist. However she also has a post celebrating raising the flag on Iwo Jima? Supporting the American Republic overthrowing the glorious Japanese emperor is not very monarchist of her. The only explanation is that dangerous levels of western chauvinism have taken the place of any coherent political thoughts in her brain.
Supporting the American Republic overthrowing the glorious Japanese emperor
I think that it is some kind of atavistic monarchist instinct correcly recognising and choosing between outdated relic without any future and the real power leading humanity into the climate catastrophe and neofeudalism.