By the power of nobody objecting, I am opening this count space
Trying not to game? Do you feel counting it helps? Feel free to do it here.
If you want to, you can write about your feelings and emotional states as well.
Day 5 no video games. Bit annoyed/mad at random shit. Sleep was bad. I dreamed about g’ming and disappointing everybody.
Exercised twice this week, gonna do it again tomorrow. Hopefully stairs won’t suck the day after this time. 🤞
30 pages a day minimum, that’s 11,000 a year
It’s a good baseline to explain to people how many books they can expect to get through in a year with minimum effort. One good day off reading would blow thru many times that
Oh, misunderstood, I am reading between 50-100 currently. Some for academia though
Day 6. I have more time to clean my room but I am still procrastinating really bad. I am definitely experiencing withdrawal (dreaming about video games again), so it was a good idea to skip them. I got a few really urgent task done earlier than before and I may get to land some minor political moves in groups I am in, nothing world changing. I hope to keep this up