25 points

Where is it going -> porn

Where do I want it to go -> porn

15 points

I disagree with the first of your statements. I think that where it’s going is in three directions which are pulling against each other.

Direction one: a feeder platform for Only Fans for people that crave interaction with the models
Direction two: a low effort, low engagement platform where a small number of power posters upload a lot of links and content for people who don’t engage with the communities other than voting.
Direction three: People that want to build an active kink community but aren’t calculating on the fans of the other two directions flooding out their content. Also, from my observations, these people have relatively little to offer fans of the other directions.

23 points

I think first, there’s a decline in the general Lemmy userbase. Partly, this is because of unaddressed Federation bugs that have persisted now for weeks without being publicly addressed. That’s driven a lot of contributors away, which has feed on effects across communities. That’s structural and beyond LemmyNSFW, but affects us.

Second, here at LemmyNSFW, poor community moderation. There are dead communities admins will not address because of top mod ownership rules. But that so many subscribe to dead communities shows the decline. Reddit prunes unmoderated communities for a reason.

Mods also let creeps post horrible comments and don’t filter them out or ban abusive users, and this has driven away contributors. Especially amateurs and OF creators. I’m of the opinion they are bread and butter here and driving them away reduces overall value of the site. So while I’m into the kink side, I want c/gonewild to thrive.

Third, there are the serial downvoters. Admins thought requiring people to join communities in order to vote would solve this problem. No, because their goal is to suppress contributions overall, so they just join to downvote. This is why you see a top community like c/anal or c/blowjobs wither with no submissions. They’re killed early on. And that drives away contributors. Whether that’s contention over the top page or just a desire to see LemmyNSFW fail, I don’t know. But IMO downvotes only express aggression and don’t help curate content. They serve to drive away contributors.

We need more contributors, not less. And the decline in contributions says something is seriously wrong. It’s like a reverse Tragedy of the Commons, where instead of overgrazing by all, we have a few trampling the commons out of spite.

Finally, there is the lack of rich media. Only pics and RedGifs, both limited. And gifs get converted to webm, which don’t autoplay or loop in LemmyUI. Another Lemmy issue, beyond the site here, but is one cause of declining interest IMO.

This is JMO and is said with all due respect and deference to the community and site admins.

4 points

Third, there are the serial downvoters. Admins thought requiring people to join communities in order to vote would solve this problem. No, because their goal is to suppress contributions overall, so they just join to downvote.

Can you say more about this? What do you think the serial downvoters are up to? Do they just downvote or do they upvote in some situations too?

9 points

I think first, there’s a decline in the general Lemmy userbase. Partly, this is because of unaddressed Federation bugs that have persisted now for weeks without being publicly addressed. That’s driven a lot of contributors away, which has feed on effects across communities. That’s structural and beyond LemmyNSFW, but affects us.

Although there is definitely a component of this, I think the trends we’re seeing predates the 0.19.0 issues. If anything I think we’re in a healthier place than say two months ago, but that’s largely propped up by a handful of individuals.

Third, there are the serial downvoters.

One thing that came up during the downvote removal discussion is that the ‘mark as read’ feature requires voting to register. Combining this with the fact that users don’t liberally block as much as they should and it’s a recipe for issues.

Frankly I never thought the subscribed only downvote was a good idea and it’s just prevented community moderation. Needing to subscribe to a community to downvote a post with a broken link is frustrating and the barrier is still too low to stop bad actors as a whole.

5 points

Third, there are the serial downvoters.

Would it make sense to just disable the downvote button on the instance? I know others have done that.

5 points

The three are not exclusive to each other. All three add volume. Porn needs volume. Quality is what the user like, which like porn tastes are diverse.

4 points

I think you’re deluding yourself on that issue.

I have fairly mainstream tastes and I have a large collection of various pictures. As an experiment I picked a number of those pictures, based around various themes and posted them. I’ve been quite successful in terms of upvotes as a result. However the more interesting thing for me is what happened today when I had run out of that initial selection.

Yesterday I didn’t post any pictures and as a result a number of other users posted a wider selection of content than had been available while my posts were doing well. I want to share content with other users that share my preferences but I don’t want to be part of the problem for niche communities or for original content creators who only have a small audience and probably never will appeal to the mainstream.

The Only Fans people seem to be riding high and that’s good, we don’t need to worry about them getting flooded out.

But there may be creators who have a natural audience of maybe no more than twenty and it’d be nice for them to be able to have those twenty upvotes without there being immediately five downvotes that will knock them very quickly off the active page and some shitty comment about how they are not… I dunno, whatever ugly thing people think of to say.

6 points

Hell yeah… PORN rules MFs 🤘🤘…

28 points

I’ve noticed a pretty glaring trend of OC posters creating an account, posting for a few days, and then disappearing never to be seen again. Posting studio and model content found on the corners of the internet is fine, but in the end it doesn’t actually drive much engagement, which is essentially the primary purpose of a link aggregator site. The primary content people engage on are going to be things that a person has taken the time to create themselves or something with a clear gimmick, like the ifyouhadtopickone or kink communities.

Personally, I’d say that the reason we’re seeing people drop off the site shortly after joining is because of the overall community at large. When anyone from the Fediverse can just drop in on a whim and comment something disparaging to someone who went out of their way to post themselves it really doesn’t feel great. Combine that with the fact that if you’re not a professional model or Onlyfans producer, you’ll be downvoted pretty heavily even with the rules changes in place.

I try my best to go out of my way to comment on anything I reasonably can and I don’t know if I can place exactly why, but the instance feels both simultaneously hostile to post and to comment/engage in at the same time.

11 points

There does seem to be a problem with a lack of empathy with people wanting to share something that’s deeply personal. And I think you’re right that federation kind of works against those posters. Not all instances seem to have good manners when it comes to other people’s sexuality.

7 points

In the end that comes down to moderation. I don’t mean to imply that mods and admins are doing a bad job in any way, but they’ll always be fighting a losing battle. The manpower and tools just aren’t advanced enough to deal with it all before the damage is done.

I know you mentioned it in another comment and I’ve mentioned it before in the past, but the instance overall always feels like it’s having an identity crisis and doesn’t know what it wants to be. Sexuality is a very broad spectrum and the nature of that means that most people are going to find the sheer existence of certain parts of that spectrum that don’t include them unsavory or offensive.

Before anyone grabs a pitchfork, I’m not saying it should be a free for all and predatory things like pedo and beastiality absolutely need to be banned, but if you’re someone who isn’t into kink or gay or whatever else then there’s always going to be friction with those that are. Personally I’d say the instance as a whole needs to take a more specific stance on what it wants to host for this specific stage of growth.

2 points

The problem is with a certain immature section of the audience. Perhaps there needs to be the equivalent of private subreddits for the OC and people have to prove they aren’t going to be troublesome before they get access.

1 point

We’ve talked about wanting to implement an automod solution for awhile, and finally there are some tools for that, I personally am going to start experimenting with some of the tools, and will begin to provoke more chats with the other admins to start creating a plan of action in regards to that.

Also, as far as separate instances like that, that can get muddy, I think, unless you have a really clear definitions of what’s “too hardcore.”

What we don’t allow on the site are

  • things that are illegal (like CSAM and beastiality)
  • things that would be illegal to host on the sites servers because of where they’re located (like animated beastiality, shota and loli)
  • things that are generally considered very extreme (like scat and barf)

The last one is because lemmy doesn’t have a good automod system and most people don’t want to see that kind of thing. I would argue that, outside of those things, what people are into varies greatly and that’s why we allow pretty much everything else.

I think the problem lies in the fact that, unlike reddit and most other social media platforms, lemmy has no personalized algorithms. This means that everyone on an instance gets the same “hot” and “active” page. So I think the main reason the content seems all over the place is because the algorithms aren’t personally catered. Reddit has just as many, if not more, niche communities, but their “best” and “hot” pages have personalized algorithms so that you see more of what you like.

Personalized algorithms like that aren’t insanely difficult to create, but it’s the nuances of it that are difficult. It’s something I would like to look into and partner with some of the other admins that have dev experience to maybe create for use on any lemmy server, but as of now there is nothing developes on that front.

That being said, I don’t think the answer is to split the content even more by making more instances and then having potentially even more uncertainty about what is and isn’t allowed.

I think the answer is for us admins and mods to continue to do our best to reduce toxicity, to continue to improve our mod tools, and continue to have active discussions about what would be good for the growth of the instance.

But if you have other reasoning that you feel that the instance is having an identity crisis, I’m all ears, we’re always open to constructive criticism and suggestions to improve the overall user experience on the instance

15 points
Deleted by creator
13 points

I think that if you aren’t beating reddit on the empathy metric then you’re not doing at all well. I was struck forcefully by the opinion of the OC poster on the downvotes debate who said:

When I started posting here our content was heavily downvoted, even in communities appropriate for it. This was very discouraging. It made us feel bad about doing something we should be doing for fun.

And then you’ve got various other people talking about things like the lack of downvotes devaluing upvotes, which to my mind is just childish nonsense in the same vein as the existence of trans people devaluing masculinity and femininity.

The sheer glaring entitlement of people that are not sharing anything wanting the right to make people feel a bit shit about themselves…

4 points

I’d agree that the overall trend for posters is probably similar and you have a fair point there. I wouldn’t say empathy is any different, but it’s important to keep in mind that different styles of social networks will absolutely attract certain types of peoples. I’m not making an assertion that this is good or bad, or who may be present in this community because of this, but it’s something to keep in mind as your average Instagram user and Fediverse user will likely have vastly different opinions, priorities, goals, and use-case for the platform.

I don’t think it’s fair to say that the doom and gloom is overstated. When you have a smaller platform and community, small issues are far more recognizable and have a greater overall impact if left unchecked.

9 points

Reddit has hundreds of millions of users and the platform is highly active, making it suitable for pros to submit work for profit. Or as a means for amateurs to break in and see if they can build an audience.

Reddit is a business plan for many creators. The large audience there gives submitters incentive to put up with the horrible abuse they face from poor moderation and terrible users. And still, as you note, OC creators flee. Comparing our relative numbers of fleeing contributors per capita as being similar to Reddit isn’t the win you seem to be arguing for.

Look, when some of the largest communities don’t see posts for weeks, that’s a sign something is wrong. We have disincentivized contribution to the point where stagnation has set in. That’s a clear sign some change is in order. What that change should be, I don’t know. But simply refusing to accept these clear signs as doom and gloom leads to refusing to recognize a problem. And if you don’t see a problem, you can’t act to fix it.

5 points

We saw a decrease in users when there were mass downvotes, we changed how downvotes worked and since then we’ve seen and increase in activity.

We’re talking about implementing automod features, not sure how soon that’ll happen, but it will definitely happen.

Another thing that disincentives some people is the lack of filtering of rude comments, if a comment is rude or downvoted on reddit it is automatically hidden, so maybe that is something we can look into for when we implement automod

Just know that we’re not just sitting on our laurels doing nothing, the mods and admins are constantly talking about how to improve this community

11 points

The downvoting on pure amateur content seems quite aggressive. But perhaps that’s a matter of building the right community or communities for that particular aspect. Wife and I love sharing content but it’s not always going to be hyper-produced. Can’t think of a real solution but it might end up driving us away. I’m sure we are not alone on that sentiment.

7 points

I know you’re relatively new around here and there’s been a lot of discussion and changes regarding downvotes in recent months. They were completely disabled for a while, but currently you need to be a subscribed member of a community for it to register. You are not alone I’m your feelings regarding user behavior. I appreciate that you’re sharing yourselves at least!

-10 points
Removed by mod
3 points

Hey, fair point; interesting perspective, though, given this is where we share and enjoy all sorts of kinks.

7 points

I feel this so much, never got the downvotes in reddit. usually my OC was simply ignored if not liked, upvoted if liked. it’s brutal here.

5 points

With a whole full week here, I am starting to feel it depends on the community and it’s composition. It’s not LemmyNSFW specific if that makes sense. Some folks will go out of their way to upvote every post, some will do the same with downvotes on anything that triggers them, others will simply skip on to the next post and do nothing. All 3 are perfectly fine IMO.

But it’s a contrast with Reddit where I’ve spent a few years. Reddit NSFW communities tend to drown amateur/ sub-wow content by ignoring that content (gut feeling, I’ve no hard analytics to back that up) and upvote produced stuff. The exception is on very specific kink /r’s

5 points

Don’t judge me, I am a tech geek --and hopefully this doesn’t break any rules but, I’ve been working around Lemmy itself trying to figure out how to get some basic analytics for myself. Got some interesting --and perhaps obvious data points that I am looking forward to continue see develop as we share more OC material.

Positive Sentiment by Community is just a weighted average between up / down votes. It essentially shows me which communities are more/less welcoming to OC content produce by my wife and I. That’s all.

Perception by Community just distills the above purely on upvotes / (upvotes + downvotes) represented as a %

Engagement by Community on the other hand is the total of votes up + down --I am working to include comments by anyone except the OP as well. This one, IMO, is the metric we should be watching to gauge true engagement.


1 point

Very interesting!

2 points

We’re working on the hostility aspect, it’s slowly improving, and we’re slowly getting more OC posters, it just takes time.

As an admin I see more and more posts in general and more OC posts every day. Our growth is slow and organic, and until there’s larger roadblocks on reddit it’ll probably stay that way, but given reddit is going public this year, we will most likely see some of those road bumps start to happen.

Until then, the admin team and mods are working to get her to reduct toxicity and make it a good place to post, we’ve even implemented some bespoke code to prevent mass downvotes, and we’re talking about implementing some sort of automod. We will continue to improve the experience as best we can and we will continue to slowly but surely grow.

9 points
Deleted by creator
3 points

What kinds of features do you think will be useful?

6 points
Deleted by creator
3 points

Tagging and flairs

This would be incredibly useful.

39 points

What I miss is normal nudes, the subreddit. The place for unposed nudes to show different body types, anybody, no boners and no advertising for your paid site; with a “if you can’t say something nice, don’t say anything at all unless poster asked specifically for critique” comment policy.

Also nakedprogress. I miss the nonsexual nudes sites I guess.

Other than that, I don’t think what else I want is possible, all NSFW sites are just guy driven with nearly everything for men’s taste. That I don’t think can be adjusted if the audience is overwhelmingly male.l, it’s not a problem with lemmynsfw, just a state of the world thing.

I think it’s going OK overall, growing slowly and organically seems the way to go.

3 points
Deleted by creator
3 points

That’s a good idea but I don’t know how much moderation would be needed. I helped on normalnudes and it was a constant battle vs. bots and closeup dick pics. Though on this site maybe it could have different rules just full body front & back and not worry about erections, I don’t think most people care. Naked progress yes I can set that up, let me see if there’s a shell already, I know there were some squatters here.

1 point
Deleted by creator
7 points

I really miss the normalnudes community too and the nakedprogress communities were always so supportive.

Other than that, I don’t think what else I want is possible

Out of curiosity, what exactly are you looking for if you don’t mind me asking?

8 points

Oh, just a space more balanced between men and women. I wouldn’t have any idea how to draw in more women, really have no idea even if my own preferences are typical.

4 points

Just so I’m clear in interpreting what you’re saying, are you implying that there is too much male content or that you would like to see a better 50/50 balance?

2 points

What type of content draw more women in you think? i enjoy making OC and would be glad to make stuff that might have a larger appeal if i can.

Literotica type stuff? audio? naked guys? what are women looking for?

3 points

Apparently this post it’s having some engagement I just would like to say if there is any person who like hot butters too they should make a community I believe it will be an amazing community for LemmyNSFW.

1 point

Apparently you are that person. You probably need to have a private conversation with the admins about temporarily restricted content.

2 points

I have no time to work for free, but maybe there it’s someone who would… 🤣🤣 I mod two communities but I would like someone else to admin them they are dead AF.

2 points

I’m not entirely clear on what hot butters is but having swung by Urban Dictionary I have a vague idea and it is currently not allowed on the instance as per the sidebar on the main page:

Temporary Content Restrictions: The following content is temporarily restricted: Hot lunch (🤮), blood, scat, CNC.

So if you want that content you gotta take it up with the admins, not the community.


Ask Lemmy NSFW


Create post

Think /r/AskLemmy but way more NSFW.

Treat this community like a cross between /c/AskLemmy, /c/Sex, and /c/Fetishes.


  • All posts must be in the form of a question and be largely NSFW.

  • Only text posts are allowed. Links can be posted if they are very relevant.


  • Try to avoid questions that can simply be googled or have yes/no answers.

  • Search before you post. Your question may have been asked before.

  • If you ask medical/physical questions don’t always trust the comments here.


  • Avoid low-effort comments. Lone images, memes, jokes etc.

  • Treat all questions as if they’re real, no matter how ridiculous.

  • Follow reddiquette with all reponses to avoid downvotes & removal.

Community stats

  • 470

    Monthly active users

  • 452


  • 4.8K
