Don’t you see? Rich people create jobs! Migrants just sit around and collect money from the hard work of everyone around them!
Oh wait, it’s the opposite isn’t it…
If you think any billionaire “worked” for the amount of money they have, you’re sorely mistaken. It’s a byproduct of a flawed economic system, not their “work ethic.” Not to say capitalism doesn’t have it’s benefits, but it’s the system in which capitalism is allowed to operate that produces inequalities like that.
Yes. Considering the net loss in population and the its aging, an influx of new people generates new consumption and opportunities for market growth, and sustains socialized systems like pensions and health care, albeit over a long period.
On the other hand, billionaires hoard disgusting fortunes like fucking dragons to the detriment of society at large. They thus deserve to be slayed, like we would dragons.
Did you know some of the original guillotines already exist?
While I would love their wealth to be redistributed, execution is something I would never support for any crime.
The rich can only “create jobs” because we have an economic and political system that skews reward toward investment rather than labor. Both are important, but let’s not pretend that anyone can earn a billions without excessive wage theft from the people doing the actual labor.
It’s just supply and demand we have very few entrepreneurs while a tone of uneducated workers, obviously they are going to get paid less, they took 0 risks investment side
I up voted you because you aren’t wrong. At least in the sense of sweat shops. May not be good jobs, but they do technically count as jobs.
It’s because those billionaires are down there boosting the economy and creating jobs… for search and rescue teams.
I’m honestly thankful for the educational content that has come out of this. I’d always known that I didn’t want to cram myself into a tiny, pressurized soup can, but now I can point to the exact reasons why.
while i understand the sentiment, it is quite novel when a submarine is lost vs when a surface ship is lost
When surface ship is declared lost that’s usually because it’s already became submarine.
you’ve got to get yourself killed in a hot way to get my attention sweetie, okay? Non of that self preservation shit the poors are into
@DudePluto I’m not sure where you live, but in my part of the world approx. 50% of my income goes to taxes, either directly (sales tax, income tax, social security tax, medicare tax, property tax) or indirectly (taxes paid by people who make the things I buy that increases the overall cost of the things I buy). If some billionaire is stuck in a sub, whoever wants him alive can pay for it.
“They paid for the full Titanic experience and that’s what they got. What’s the problem?”
If these dumbasses have enough money to drop on a ticket aboard this sub to look at something you can see on a documentary, they should also have to foot the bill for the rescue mission. I’m sure all these rescue programs are tax funded that they dodge themselves. So, not only are they squirreling and eating up money we could all be using, but now we’re picking up the check.