Gravitational force is never truly zero. If it has mass, it is pulling at you, though it may be so close to zero that you don’t realize it.
Any given star is constantly emitting an unimaginably large, but finite, number of photons. A tiny few of them travel tens to hundreds of (Earth) years, only to end their journey in your eyeballs.
Even crazier when you consider how long that photon bounced around inside the star before escaping out into space
Technically the photon is being absorbed and re-emitted inside the star, so it’s not exactly the same photon.
A “photon” is basically just the universe producing a new field in response to an existing one, repeatedly. So photons travel through space in much the same way: they are absorbed and emitted by successive regions of space, with each region being the photon’s wavelength in size.
They’re also exerting a minute amount of electrostatic attraction or repulsion.'s_law
Amazing. Thanks for sharing!
Technically correct, but the gravity from stars is dwarfed by the gravity from yo momma.
While that’s technically true, it’s good to note that this doesn’t excuse astrology, which is based on the false fact that the gravity of celestial bodies influences our decisions in everyday life. The gravity of you Karen influences my “daily life” more than these celestial bodies and especially your belief in astrology. 😄
So, horoscopes are true? /s
While you are affected by gravity, it’d have less of an effect than other things.
For instance we can scientifically show your birth date does influence your personality, as long as you don’t live on the equator.
The further North/South you go, the more pronounced the effect becomes.
That is to say that from large samplings, you can see that extroverted traits are more common with babies born in Spring (in the Northern hemisphere), while introversion is more associated with being born in autumn.
That ofc doesn’t mean that a person who was born in November will automatically be less extroverted than one born in March, but if you pick two random people from those groups, it’s X% more likely that it is so.
Astrology is complete fucking bullshit though.
Astrology is complete fucking bullshit though.
I know. That’s why I added the “/s” tag.