modder Iamashaymin claimed that footage of Star Wars: Battlefront Classic Collection that appeared in a trailer suggested that developer Aspyr was using his mod.
Following this, Apsyr released a statement claiming it had “mistakenly” used footage of this mod, and that it was a placeholder. Now, following the full release, players appear to have discovered evidence that prior to a very last-minute patch, the game shipped with the uncredited mod work.
So it looks like its some animation mod. I didn’t research further just read the article. They added it back in apparently using a patch. Scum shit to sell someone’s free labor to the community no matter what it is.
Important context (from the modder):
“I released the source files for my mod for anyone to use, modify, improve however they wish,” iamashaymin said. “If anything I am flattered and joyous they chose to use mine for whatever purpose they needed it for. Ultimately my mod, like all mods, are property of Lucasfilm and they are free to use it how they wish as I have agreed to the license agreement regarding releasing mods created with the Pandemic modding tools.”
Does the official mod tools include full license assignment or waiver of right to attribution?
Well if that ain’t the pot calling the kettle black
There’s a difference between improving upon other people’s work for free, and taking said improvements and selling them on as your own work.
Mods are not always improvements, but they are always using someone else’s work for free.
If no one is asking you to improve upon other people’s work you have no legal right to do so.
I also agree that they shouldn’t be using the modder’s work without compensation.
I support modding, just be real about it.
“Be real” how? I’m legit confused what point you are making. “Using someone’s work for free” doesn’t mean the same as “taking someone’s work and selling it as your own.” When you buy a shirt, you can put your own art on it, but if the shirt company uses your design without credit or consent to sell more shirts, that’s a bit sketchy, no?
I’m gonna “be real” with you, it doesn’t sound like you support modding at all
they are always using someone else’s work for free.
Explain this insanity
You think someone should have to pay to modify the files of a game on their hard drive?
Actually let’s back up. What do you think “modding” means?