Bonus points if they are super retro ideas of the future internet like in front mission 3.
Can’t get enough of this. I remember really loving the fake DOS mode that Enter the Matrix had. You could unlock cheats for the game or look at little hidden videos and things. It was fairly elaborate for a little gimmick.
It can become tedious quickly if it isnt done absolutely perfect imo.
I remember Fallout computers to be one of the implementations of such a system that I disliked most. Repetitive “hacking”, then reading some text snippets that could’ve easily fit on a note or sth else. While it does add to the atmosphere, it doesnt add anything good to my (personal opinion ofc) gaming experience.
I can only think of two examples right now where I liked it: Deus Ex all parts(because it is just very thematically fitting) and GTA (because of the satire its actually very entertaining).
Something I continually think about is how Doom 3 showed us a world where you can have a first-person game that seamlessly has you controlling a mouse cursor on in-world computer screens, and it saddens me that nobody picked up that baton.
Best feature in that whole game.
I haven’t played Doom 3, but it sounds very similar to what Prey 2017 has - all the computers in the game have (in-universe) touch input, so you can use them just by pressing the interact key while looking at a display. You can even fire rubber-tipped foam darts at screens to trigger a click in the spot where the dart hit!
Indeed. It’s arguably the best, and in some cases the only way to get behind security booths and the like when you’re doing a no-neuromods run, because you don’t have access to mimic or hacking.
The dart also makes a fun ‘squeak’ noise when it hits something, great for occupying enemies.
I think it has to do with the feature not working as seamlessly with controllers - or at least developers believing so anyway. The original Xbox port of Doom 3 had the camera zoom in to a panel where you were near it and IIRC the BFG edition has the controller slow down a bit in some panels.
There are a couple of FPS games that had similar in-game UIs, though they aren’t as big profile as Doom 3. I bought Exodus from the Earth some time recently and the game has a lot of in-game UIs that use a similar seamless control.
Have you ever played Hypnospace Outlaw?
I’ve seen someone play a bit of it. It defo fills the vibe. I should play it sometime
.hack for the PS2, where the Internet was just an application called “The World” that you launched from a desktop. Damn, need to play that again.