I don’t have this problem when reading novels or comics on the same devices, what gives?
My guess would be motion sickness.
Need more details. What are you watching when it happens? Or are you saying if you watch CSI, Sesame Street and a David Attenborough documentary about ants back to back you’d get light-headed 3 times, once during each?
As ValiantDust said it could just be motion sickness depending what it is you’re watching.
I am not a doctor.
Q: physically, how are you watching them? On a couch? Lying in bed? Hunched over on the bus? Phone? TV? Do you have auto motion plus enabled (you monster)? Do you watch it in one place? Has that room been checked for carbon monoxide? Is it a basement? Has it been checked for radon?
It could be a lot of things and there’s not enough information provided but the first thing that occurred to me is blood pressure. Do you have a blood pressure cuff? Try to use it when you’re feeling light headed and when you’re not and comparing numbers.
It could be a physical things about the position of your body, pressure on something because you’re hunched over or something. It could be a visual things too. There are conditions where moving/changing visuals could affect you.
It’s kind of overwhelming all of the things it could be and you really should go to a doctor.
While you’re waiting for your appointment try to make observations about what is the same about reading vs watching and what is different. This will help them figure out what to investigate.
Put. Down. The. Bong.
If you get dizzy while watching TV high you should still go to the doctor because that’s not a regular side effect lol
Getting dizzy from smoking weed is a common side effect. Especially with people who don’t consume cannabis often.
I suppose, but it’s not a side effect that happens to everyone, so if you get dizzy smoking weed and you do it regularly then you should probably check with a doctor to be safe anyhow, it’s not really an intended effect.
Edit: I’m specifically saying light headedness dizzy like OP describes. There are a myriad of crazy feelings you might have if you don’t consume weed regularly, but if you do and you’re getting light headed I still think that’s potentially dangerous and not something that’s “supposed” to happen, regardless of the variety of things that might happen to a first time or very occasional smoker. Suppose I should’ve clarified
You really should go to a doctor. Like. really. If it’s common and you don’t have a clear “its this” (like standing up suddenly, or some other condition you know about,) Sudden lightedness that comes and goes could be one of several awful things.
(or it could totally something not scary at all.)
We’re not doctors… (and honestly, it’s not stupid to ask a doctor this. but it is kinda stupid to ask randos on the internet. thats how you wind up snorting ground up leeches or something weird.)