“…And it has been causing me great anxiety that is preventing me from doing other things that I intend to do.”
“Yet, even now that I have replied my shame still consumes me. I fear I may never be productive again.”
I’m not entirely certain but probably in medical terms, something like “secondary anxiety”. Secondary in this case is referring to the cause of the symptoms; that is, it is “indirect” anxiety caused by ADHD, rather than a “primary anxiety” caused by something like GAD. Differentiating the underlying cause is important for treatment strategies.
Sigh, I thought this was just a me thing. I always hang my head in shame when I realize stuff I do is actually an adhd thing and my brain just doesn’t work correctly.
My record is a year. Holy fuck did I burn that networking opportunity.
“Hey there; I know it’s been—holy moly, a year?!—since you messaged me but I just wanted to say that it was good to hear from you and that I enjoyed working with you.”+some other specific potentially identifiable stuff.
I never got a response; even a year later (although that would have been super funny to encounter such a similar soul).
I’m in exactly this situation right now and I’m becoming more than desperate. I probably have several emails asking me to respond and let people know what’s going on. I don’t even dare to open my inbox.
It’s the thought that counts!