31 points

The Catholic Church has actively ran the longest largest worldwide Pedophile ring in human history. For the past 1800 years the Catholic Church recruited, supported, obfuscated, defended, and excused pedophilia, which continues to this day. The fact the Catholic Church still allowed to operate, in any way shape or form, with youth of any kind, in any country, anywhere, means we’ve all purposefully lost the thread. Beside the Catholic Church being criminal, it’s only shown how very little adults care about the systematic raping of children. Like, at all.

19 points

But protecting pedophiles is fine.

14 points

I say the continuing existence of the Catholic church is a grave threat to human dignity.

13 points

Have people stopped calling him “Cool Pope” yet?

He also says pedophile priests should be reported to the church, not the police.

3 points

I won’t either. No respect for either one.

4 points

I mean, if they’re going to keep up the charade that they aren’t exactly what they’re accusing surrogacy and gender theory of I suppose they would have to make that kind of accusation/confession at least every now and then. I can’t explain how anyone could intelligently examine the history of such a vile organization and not conclude that it is among the greatest forces for Human suffering we’ve ever had to suffer the existence of.




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