It’s own timezone? It’ll need it’s own clock. A moon day is about 28 Earth days.
i agree. the moon should suffer with all of us.
the fact that the acronym for Coordinated Lunar Time is LTC tells you everything you need to know about how this will work.
Nah dog, its gonna be UTC. End of story.
The moon gains a few seconds every year relative to the Earth due to relativity. Otherwise, yeah, there would be no reason for a new zone.
Indeed, God help whoever NASA puts in charge of date and time conversion.
If we do a lot of space travel we’ll have to get used to this, though. And even worse, there’s no consistent way of defining a frame of reference not subject to gravity, so there’s a chance any standard one will fall into a black hole, which is funny because it’s a tangible thing destroying a concept.
That’s why I prefer TAI time zone