42 points

The aid trucks need to be allowed into Gaza. Israel needs to be stopped by international pressure. This is genocide.

38 points

Biden does not care at all for the people of Gaza, that’s very clear with the money/ weapons he sends to Israel.

EDIT: you can keep downvoting since it doesn’t mean much on Lemmy. However, it is true. If he actually cared about the lives of the Palestinian people, he wouldn’t send so much to Israel due to the very fact, he knows that it will be used for the genocide on Palestinian people.

-4 points

Well i dont think he can afford to care, politics is a costly game and someone has to pay for it.

-8 points

Or you know, he does care but internal US politics as well as international geopolitics are actually more complicated than you think and Biden can’t just do whatever the fuck he wants just because he’s president.

5 points

At a certain point you have to wonder what the value of liberal democracy is if it can’t help but be compelled into materially supporting genocide.

0 points

A democracies value is that (in theory) the government needs to reflect what its people want.

And if large parts of the country support Israel. like basically all republicans and large swaths of democrats do, then the government will unfortunately reflect that.

3 points

No, he does not care at all. Biden said lots of times, he fully supports Israel. When someone says that while the particular state is committing genocide - the person truly does not care about the lives of the people who are being brutally murdered.

At some point the geopolitics and internal US politics needs to setback and you need to take a hard look and think about the more than 33 000 lives that have been taken away.

This is not about “doing anything he wants just because, he’s president”. Despite the fact Biden cannot do ‘everything he wants’ - he certainly has a great influence of what happens (he’s president after all). The US refused to agree to a ceasefire multiple times.

He could for example put pressure on not giving the money to Israel until ceasefire happens and pressure to not give any weapons and such if they (Israel) decide to continue.

Also this is just me probably nitpicking but why can’t you write without rude words?

-1 points

No, he does not care at all. Biden said lots of times, he fully supports Israel.

Because that is what US doctrine has been since Israel’s inception. and Biden is not in a position to change that?

At some point the geopolitics and internal US politics needs to setback and you need to take a hard look and think about the more than 33 000 lives that have been taken away.

Thats, unfortunately, not how politics works, Biden cant just say “fuck everyone else, im going to do something” and honestly thats probably a good thing as it also reigns in people like Trump to an extent.

This is not about “doing anything he wants just because, he’s president”. Despite the fact Biden cannot do ‘everything he wants’ - he certainly has a great influence of what happens (he’s president after all). The US refused to agree to a ceasefire multiple times.

Yes he has a lot of influence, but he also doesnt even have a functional majority in either the house or the senate, and even if he did, there are outspoken zionists amongst the democratic party in both houses and the DNC, theres also zionists (including christian zionists) among the party’s biggest donors. Then theres the military industrial complex and the people who have large investments in those companies as well. All of those people have vested interests in supporting Israel and put a lot of pressure on Biden to support Israel. If Biden unilaterally went against Israel he wouldnt get very far going against all those people.

And even if he someone did manage to go against them, those donors and supporters would likely flip to Trump who has basically come out saying he supports wiping Gaza off the map. oh and not to mention the media, who has been doing their best to sell the pro-Israel narrative would absolutely cannibalise Biden. So, even if he could go against all of the zionist influences, he is basically looking at a trolley problem, does he stop aid to Israel (which wouldnt even stop the genocide due to Israels large stockpiles of weapons) and basically gift the election to Trump, which among the plethora of other problems that would cause, would make things in Gaza far far worse.

Oh and thats not even mentioning how important to the US economy and military doctrine their relationship with Israel is. They need good relations with Israel and to keep them armed so that they stay the dominant power in the middle east and willing to defend US capital and political interests in the region.

Israel hosts massive stocks of US weapons, the biggest outside of the US itself, as well as early warning radars, military bases and provides a port for the US 6th fleet.

When you add all of that up, can you see why Biden cant just start burning brides both internationally, within the US and even within his own party?


You should take a hard look at the millions of lives that are preserved by an alliance that keeps Iran from invading Israel. You’re this sad over 33,000, Imagine 3 million, or 33 million! You’ll might shit yourself crying. Biden doesn’t get time to cry. He’s got to think of the 33 million right now.

1 point

Israels internal politics is also driving it to do genocide. Doesnt excuse Bibi from doing the genocide. Doesnt excuse Biden supporting the genocide.

33 points

“More than 1 million Palestinians are now sheltering in Rafah. The IDF wants them to move out so that it can conduct an offensive against Hamas units in the city.”

To where ?

23 points

They keep doing this. They herd them somewhere, start shooting and bombing, then herd the survivors somewhere else, telling them that’s the safe place.

And, of course, they can always justify it by claiming that there were Hamas militants hiding in the crowds. Which… sounds like it makes them not an especially urgent target?

10 points

I mean if you decimate an entire country with multiple nukes’ worth of explosives, any civilian population left is probably going to harbour a few resistance members

14 points

The afterlife

11 points

The IOF has built a camp for the concentration of civilians North of Rafah. I wonder if there’s a name for such an unprecedented structure.


2 points

Problem. The IDF has been shooting Palestinians who try to move through their lines for months now. There’s no confidence that the IDF will suddenly start letting them through.

3 points

Thats why they’ll let everyone into this camp with no problem, because shooting people in tents is much easier than shooting them in houses or running down rubble-laden streets

25 points

I thought that picture was a screenshot of the movie District 9. Now making a parallel, even those alien guys were treated better than Palestinians.

5 points

The picture looks insane. As first I thought it was AI generated because the parachutes and the building looked so weird. Everything is bent and spiky. But it’s actually real.

16 points

This is so surreal, I thought it was a screenshot from District 9.


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