Your entire premise is that they are happy taking shit pay and no benefits. And that’s just not true. They’re forced to do that because they have no negotiating power when their employer can just have them deported.
And expecting the government to do it’s job is only unrealistic if we stop working at it.
Your problem isn’t with the migrant. It’s with the government tolerating low wages and union breaking. It’s with corporations that take advantage of people. We can change that though because this is still our country.
At the end of the day it’s not a story of two groups, it’s a story of what we’re willing to tolerate. Because there’s only 11 million undocumented immigrants in a country of about 200 million working adults. That fraction of the working age population isn’t depressing anything. Then, about promotion, migrants want to get promoted too. But the reality is a large minority will work in minimum wage their entire lives. That’s why we need regulations to make that better. And why it shouldn’t matter that immigrants are there too. The minimum standard of living shouldn’t be something people get threatened with.
Calling me an ivory tower person is also just a way to dismiss facts.
Isn’t there a very famous children’s story about a pig that is more equal than the other pigs?
That’s the point of the Department of Labor. Nobody wants to work for less pay and no benefits. Corporations can force migrants to work for less than minimum wage, no benefits, and live in overcrowded housing on site because if the migrants complain too much then the corporation just calls ICE.
And at the end of the day if corporations are too powerful and keeping wages down then we can pass a higher minimum wage. But imagine if all those ICE agents were doing spot checks on employers for pay and safety issues. Where we put our resources matters and chasing metaphorical gophers has very quick diminishing returns.
And that’s all without the macro economic point of view that points out having more consumers in your country means more economic activity which means more jobs.