
62 points

The USA is a settler colony which requires the elimination of the natives in order to take over as private owners of the land which had been shared in commons by the natives. If the natives exist there in great numbers, they can claim rights to the land, so they have to be taken out. The colonizers of the lands known as USA committed widespread genocide and enslavement of the natives in order to depopulate them, including intentional use of bio weapons. Other ethnic groups can’t lay claim to the land so their populations being high doesn’t really have the same problem as far as land claims go, aside from maybe New Afrikans although I don’t think most USAians are considering that claim seriously anymore/yet.

60 points

Daily reminder hitler literally quotes the American bath riots as being the inspiration behind the construction and gas used in the gas chambers in the Nazi Holocaust.

I also unexpectedly uncovered other information at the National Archives that took my great-aunt’s personal recollections beyond family lore or microhistory. These records point to the connection between the U.S. Customs disinfection facilities in El Paso-Juárez in the 20s and the Desinfektionskammern (disinfection chambers) in Nazi Germany.

The documents show that beginning in the 1920s, U.S. officials at the Santa Fe Bridge deloused and sprayed the clothes of Mexicans crossing into the U.S. with Zyklon B. The fumigation was carried out in an area of the building that American officials called, ominously enough, “the gas chambers.” I discovered an article written in a German scientific journal written in 1938, which specifically praised the El Paso method of fumigating Mexican immigrants with Zyklon B. At the start of WWII, the Nazis adopted Zyklon B as a fumigation agent at German border crossings and concentration camps.

Later, when the Final Solution was put into effect, the Germans found more sinister uses for this extremely lethal pesticide. They used Zyklon B pellets in their own gas chambers not just to kill lice but to exterminate millions of human beings.


45 points

So there was (and currently ongoing) the whole, genocide, thing that wiped out a huge chunk tribes.

The reservation system sequestered a significant chunk of those that survived.

Early US census takers didn’t care so much about the genealogy of the people who they were collecting demographic information on and if a person looked white passing they’d be recorded as white. So you’d have a mixed race couple with several kids and a census taker totally had the option to mark any of the kids as “white” if they were passing enough.

The whole American Indian Boarding schools, where children of Turtle Islanders were kidnapped and/or send by their parents who were convinced to send them for an education, whose whole purpose was to … well… abuse them until they either died or abandoned all of their Native heritage to become USA’ians.

Blood Quantum. There was a time where the USA federal government was pushing really hard to not recognize anybody as a “Native American” if they didn’t have more than a certain percent of “Native American blood.” Effectively trying to say that a person stopped being a member of a tribe if they were too far removed. Some of the bigger tribes went along with this, some still do, I’m pretty sure most have abandoned this as just being … well… a continuation of genocidal policies.

Being racist as fuck against any members of a tribe, people from reservations, or people who might “look” like they could be of Native American heritage. With the reservation system often being a pretty shitty place to live, being able to pass as hispanic or mexican or any other nationality to get a job/education or maybe a different kind of racism, a person could just stop claiming they were part of any particular tribe on a census or make no effort to get their names on any tribes member rolls.

And like, if you’ve got some Potawatomi in your family tree from a great great grandparent but nobody tells you, and you look white as white can be, you’re gonna answer the “What Race Are You?” question in a very ‘white’ wink way.

Also, if you DID know you had some link to a tribe(s) its not like “Potawatomi but white passing” is an option on the USA census questionnaire.

17 points

As a very white Potawatomi, I always select “two races” if it’s an option, and “Native American” if it’s not. But that’s not shifting the demographic much, sadly.

14 points

Doesnt sound a hundred miles from what i know of the treatment of Australian Aborigines. Its so wrong, and yet so covered up.

6 points

Its a horribly effective strategy.

Oh shit… I forgot to mention something in my OP

Tribes that did manage to survive and were given “land” somewhere in the USA were expected to pay property taxes on that land.

So a displaced people, who had lost everything, were expected to immediately set up profitable businesses to pay that bill. When they couldn’t pay the taxes they’d either had the land confiscated and were evicted from the land or they’d sell the land and become displaced again.

5 points

I know the real background so you cannot fool me. The Native Americans could not evade persecution and property right violation from assimilation. The Indian Residential schools are actually a series of slave camps, human experiential camps, and death camps that the Indigenous parents were tricked into funding under the lie that their children will receive high quality education, luxurious living conditions, and the promise to be elites in European immigrant society. The British diaspora now still commit forced imprisonment in harsh barren land, planned starvation, planned chemical attacks, cheating, and slander that frame the fruit of your labor as “free stuff” to you.

4 points

Did you mean to reply to me? Or is this a bit?

5 points

Correction on blood quantum: the vast majority of tribes still rely on blood quantum for enrollment. The requirement can range anywhere from 1/32 to 1/2. Blood quantum is still in use because it’s often a necessity to receive federal recognition that opens up the tribe to certain forms of economic support. Most tribes that use blood quantum also require proof of lineal descent. There is a movement to do away with blood quantum in favor of lineal descent as more of us wake up to it’s genocidal purpose. But this is a slow battle as we still have to get this knowledge into the minds of our comrades and then past our tribe governments, councils, etc. which tend to be stacked with corrupt liberals.


35 points

Starts with G rhymes with enocide


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