I’ve just installed a bigger solar battery - so I thought I’d share some statistics from it.
I only have 2 100a tied to a hybrid inverter but I still don’t understand how anyone installs solar without batteries. Yes, its an extra cost but with the electric prices right now… 😳
It also sucks for those of us renting but the hybrid inverter seems to be ideal. I’ve gutted my electric use to my networking rack, white goods and shower but from tomorrow I should be good to run everything except the shower off a few solar panels and the 2 batteries when it’s a good day like today.
Hopefully the board that’ll let me integrate it into MQTT will be here tomorrow and i can start looking at getting alerts when batteries are 90% so then I know i can run washing machine/dishwasher and hopefully save enough to put into wind for winter, lol.
Screw the electric companies greed! Once everything is setup, i might have to see if i’d save enough buying batteries and using octopus tariff to charge them, although i’m anti smart meter so… 😞
As we move into winter, we’ll switch to a dynamic electricity tariff. That will allow us to charge the battery when power is cheap and then use it when prices are high.
In my country, the power is cheap at night, and high in the day, could someone help me understand this paragraph? The article was very interesting