So I do NOT understand what makes a community trend. I thought I’d use it to discover communities I didn’t even know I wanted. Instead, I’ve found a few communities I have no interest in, and thats fine. Not all communities are going to cater to everybodies tastes.

But the real puzzler for me, is when I click a trending community, and theres 2 subsubscribers, 0 posts ever. What exactly qualifies that as a trending communities???

I don’t know if everybody sees the same trending communities, but if you do, theres one right now with a jumbled bunch of letters as the community name, no posts, 2 subscribers And the sidebar is a bunch of imdb links…

What am I supposed to do with that information? Why is THAT trending??? Is this a case of mods of that community (all one of them) are also the developers of Lemmy, so they program it that way? Or is this some algorithm thing that I don’t get???

What is going on here?

3 points

I think it was set up to prorate by community age. And not a lot of communities are being made.

A year ago a lot of people just spam replicated every Reddit sub, and Lemmy doesn’t have the user base to support that many communities.

So now a new sub with 1 person subscribing shows up as “trending”.

They can probably easily tweak it to require X posts/comments/subscribers to show up there.

1 point

"They can probably easily should tweak it to require X posts/comments/subscribers to show up there.


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