Curious about y’alls opinions on this. I like the idea of getting new people to experience an older game by aligning it to modern graphics and accessibility standards. But capitalizing on nostalgia with quick updates to that make it look modern rather than making new games seems like just more of studios trying to squeeze money out of us.

23 points

IMHO, it depends on the game and the remake. The old Halo games are probably the best case study on what to do and what not to do.

Halo CE - Don’t do that. The game was old enough to warrant major texture, geometry, and animation upgrades, but the developer also completely changed the art style.

Halo 2 - Do this. It’s the old art style, but with more detail. The game looks like how you think it looked, until you toggle the old graphics on and see how it ACTUALLY looked.

Halo 3 - Do this. The game was in good enough shape to just need a few frame rate, texture, and resolution bumps. New animation and geometry wasn’t needed, and avoiding that was the right call.

4 points

Unfortunately it depends on who’s doing it. Who’s creatively in charge and what freedom they get.

At the moment, it’s reliably bad. Even when the vision is good, it’s dominated by invested poo poo.

4 points

Halo 2 Anniversary should have kept the old sounds. A lot of the art was done in the shitty Halo 4 style too instead of the original Halo style. Blur absolutely smashed the cutscenes though.

4 points

Yeah, I wonder why they never added the option to combo new visuals and old sounds. MCC will only allow old audio with the old graphics.

That said, it’s still one of those games where I get together with my middle aged friends, and no one thinks much about the game’s in-game presentation until someone toggles the graphics, then people suddenly realize a LOT more has been updated that they realize.

IMHO, they did a better job than most at recapturing how the game felt when you played it back in the day. Not all of the creative choices were perfect, but nailed a lot of it.

26 points

\1. Many retro games were made for CRT TVs at 480p. Updating the graphics stack modern TVs is valuable, even if nothing else is changed.

\2. All of my old consoles only have analog A/V outputs. And my TV only has one analog A/V input. The mess of adapter cables and swapping is annoying. I want the convenience of playing on a system that I already have plugged in.

\3. I don’t even still have some of the consoles that play my favorite classic games, and getting retro hardware is sometimes difficult. Especially things like N64 controllers with good joysticks.

Studios don’t need to do a full blown remake to solve these problems. But I’m also not going to say the Crash and Spyro remakes weren’t welcome. Nintendo’s Virtual Console emulators toe this line pretty well.

But studios should still put in effort to make these classic games more accessible to modern audiences, and if that means a remake, that’s fine with me.

(I’m mostly thinking about the GameCube/PS2 generation and earlier. I don’t see much value in remakes of the Wii/PS3 generation yet.)

3 points
2 points

TIL. Thanks for the correction.

1 point

I don‘t want Remakes. I want Re-Imaginings!

Don’t give me Final Fantasy 6 Pixel UHD 4K with the same old boring Battle System - give me a new game with the same story!

Or heck - let me play as the bad guy! Make it “The legend of Zelda - The Rise of Ganondorf“ where you’re doing the stuff that happens between kid-Link and grown-Link in Ocarina of Time

3 points

Err, what you describe is a remake, the new coat of paint over the same old game is a remaster.

6 points

I am fine with remasters, but most end up as remakes and are insults to the originals.

13 points

Remakes can be awesome – the recent System Shock remake is an excellent example of doing it right. The problem, as it always is, is capitalism and greed, which lead to lazy money-grabbing remakes of games that didn’t need it. Many games that get remakes should have just gotten patches – Dark Souls is a prime example of this. The remake barely looked better than the original and changed things about the gameplay, not necessarily for the better.

4 points

Was it Remake for DS or was it just a remaster?

To me, remasters are like StarCraft remastered that gameplay stays the same, but the graphics got upgraded.

Remakes are like FF7, Dead Space or System Shock that is made from scratch.




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