Just why send bridge crew. Those crew are important and mean to stay on the ship. Unless the mission required someone on the top like first-mate, you should send your boarding team or land team on mission.

Most of the eps, I see a dangerous mission with 2-5 bridge crew member. Sometime it is include both captain and first mate.

Sometime, it is fighting sorties, a first mate said: I need volunteer who is trained in close combat. And multiple bridge crew go with him. The next scene is the crews start shoting handgun in some dangerous place, maybe they also teleport inside enermy ship (boarding action), and sometime is fighting kungfu.

Why not send a sergeant and handful of soldiers ? The ship is quite big but there are no spare personel to send ?

54 points

I always like the theory that the entire Starfleet is just a relief valve for people who can’t be satisfied in a post scarcity utopia

They could stay on Earth and cause problems, or they can boldly go far the fuck away from an ideal society.

A high turnover of senior leadership due to stupid risks means that there’s room for promotion and ambitious people stay in the fleet.

Otherwise they’d return to Earth and fuck up society.

Historically, every society needs some kind of relief valve like this or domestic issues develop. Once it’s an entire world government, they need that relief valve to vent off planet. And that’s what Starfleet is.

7 points

Haha that could be an episode of lower decks, showing the back story of long hair, trouble maker Picard.

5 points

I feel like that also drove a lot of colonization for humanity. It doesn’t make sense that so many people would want to leave Earth if it became paradise unless it wasn’t as fulfilling and you could be in charge of more if you went off world.

3 points

wow hard disagree, it’s right there in the opening statement of the show:

to seek out new life, and new civilizations. To boldly go where noone had gone before

that’s just, exciting!

31 points

To keep the number of characters in the core cast to a reasonable size.

18 points

You can still see the remnants of trying to address the “realism” issue with things like Riker existing at all. Writing in an XO was supposed to divide responsibilities; keep the captain on the ship to make choices and put the XO on away missions to karate chop Klingons. However if that had been stuck to rigidly, Picard would never be written into many exciting situations.

MACOs on ENT should have logically made Malcolm redundant, but the show kept finding things for him to do.

1 point

MACOs on ENT should have logically made Malcolm redundant

Not really. It would relieve Malcolm of his security role, but he was still tactical officer. A lot of naval ships had marines on board to serve security roles while weapons maintenance and operation would be performed by a different group of naval officers and seamen.

13 points

Because it’s an entertaining television show…

11 points

“No, you should totally go on this one, captain. Take the XO too. We’ll be fine. We’re all far too busy, uh, reversing the polarity of the deflector dish, and we definitely deleted the template for Romulan ale from the replicators for good this time. Also the transporter is on the fritz so you should probably take a shuttle, and then stay down there and see the sights to make it worth it.”

11 points

None of the events on the show are real, it’s all the bridge crew fucking around in the holodeck pretending to be in Starfleet


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