Hi! Based in southern ontario and I’m trying to eat more maize (i.e. corn) in the diet. I have had success with eating poridge made from hominy flour but it is quite pricey. Given that maize is so cheap, does anyone know where else to source maize from (other than the small bags of it at international food stores)? Like, is maize fed to animals excessively different from the maize for humans?

1 point

Is maize whole grain with the bran and germ? Or is it just a kind of cornmeal? Grits and polenta and fine or coarse cornmeal should be pretty easy to find. Or is it not popular in Canada? Try looking for stone ground corn meal if you want whole grain. Masa harina is another name for hominy flour you might try searching for. They’ve all (except the stone ground) always been pretty cheap and available where I live (Western us).

1 point

Stone ground cornmeal soaked in lime would be a great option! Polenta and grits tend to have the germ removed. Good idea!


Whole Food Plant Based


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A place for people who want to eat more fruits and vegetables and less animal products and processed foods.

This includes adding more vegetables, fruits, beans, whole grains, nuts/seeds. While eliminating meat, dairy, eggs, and fish. It is also avoids added salt, oil and sugar as much as possible

We are not looking for perfect adherence to any one particular eating style of WFPB.

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