For me

  1. Bloodborne

2.Demon souls bluepoint remake

  1. Ghosts of Tsushima

4.God of War

5.The last of us/ Uncharted.

  1. Rachet + clank

All good to great

Death stranding and Horizon = slop dog shit Imo could not finish them

These are the ones I’ve personally played.

Death stranding is pretty God tier but also you gotta be on the kojima wavelength so definitely not for everyone.

I just started mgs4 and it’s pretty wild, i think all the other metal gears are playable by non-sony means

The Sly Cooper franchise might be my favorite, all three of em are very dear to my heart and I’m considering getting the PS3 version just to replay the series, they run pretty badly on emulators. I played the first 30 minutes of 4 and it was rough, the character design changes also rubbed me the wrong way.


If it was God tier, everyone would like it and not just a small subset of people who can 'appreciateit’s.,

Glad you enjoyed it though man. I wish I could see what you see in the game


Ah yes “everyone liking it” famously a thing that artists can and should shoot for as a goal. A thing that is possible to achieve.

It’s personal little buddy, I think it’s God tier it does God tier things for me personally you have your own tastes your own priorities. I can only work from my own read just as much as you can only work from yours


Why are you getting mad and being passive aggressive over slop pop culture? jfc.

I literally said I’m glad you enjoyed it and tried to be amicable and you’re still mad. I didn’t insult you.

“Little buddy”

I’m fairly tall. I think if you wanted to be passive aggressive something like ‘chief’ would have worked better than “little buddy” fyi

I was just saying if it was a masterpiece, it would be a lot more revered instead of a small subset of people liking it imo.

Either way, it’s a video game. I’m done worrying about it. I’m glad you liked it pal. I wish I could enjoy it like you do

2 points

The only one of these I’ve played was Death Stranding and it had too much action

1 point

The only Sony games of the last 10 years or so that I cared about are Helldivers 1 and 2. I mostly stopped caring for Sony games after the PlayStation 3 and have been basically PC-only since around 2010-2012.

It’s not that I have anything against the mainline Sony games, I just don’t really care much for third-person cinematic single-player games like Uncharted. Not trying to be mean—if you enjoy those games, more power to you.

I’d rather play something like Dominions 6 than spend my money on most cinematic AAA games. Not saying I don’t play AAA games at all, I’m just not a fan of the Sony formula.


I think about half of sonys output I enjoy, and the other half I think is slop.

The problem is they had super star success with naughty dog and the last of us, and now they want to make all their games play exactly the same.

Spiderman 2 feels almost like the last of us with some super hero elements thrown in, God of war feels the same, just with an axe and norse mythology skin.

They’re meant for the most casual of players.

1 point

Here is the thing. I could have fun with some of these games. It’s just that I have been playing video games since around 1996, and I have played a lot of games since then, including AAA games.

I actually don’t mind casual games. I have played basic Ubisoft games such as Assassin’s Creed Origins and Far Cry 4.

It’s just that an AAA game needs to be really special for me to consider playing or picking it up these days. Baldur’s Gate 3 would be such an example, but it’s also a very unusual AAA game, being a CRPG and all that.

1 point

Just going off your list: I never played Demon Souls, Uncharted, Ratchet+Clank, or Death Stranding, so no comment on those. Well, actually I started Uncharted and felt like I was watching a bad movie where I could make the main character run around and shoot sometimes. Didn’t feel like a game, so I gave up after a couple hours. Might have grown on me, but I didn’t care enough about what I did play to even want it to.

  1. I loved Horizon (ZD and FW). It wasn’t perfect, but it very much clicked for me. I really liked the feel and execution of the combat, I liked the world, I liked the main character, I liked the scifi backstory. Did not like the in-game contemporary human/tribe story lines at all though. (Sylens was cool though. RIP Lance Reddick.)

  2. Bloodbourne - took a while for me to get into it, but when I was able to “get it” I became addicted and loved it, though also found it very frustrating. However, I now understand why it is so praised and beloved and can mostly agree. I’m glad I decided to try it despite beforehand not wanting to because I was afraid it would be too difficult.

  3. God of War - It was definitely well made. Didn’t care for the boss fights at all. I did quite like the feel of the combat, the flow of the controls, which is important to me. Have not played the new-ish sequel. Honestly, I’m having trouble remembering the game and what I thought of it at the time, so I guess not too memorable.

  4. Ghosts of Tsushima - I… yeah, I enjoyed it. Mostly. But it was really wearing on me by the end, and I only kept at it due to a sense of obligation and sunk cost. It was fun for a while, but just felt so rote by the end. And all along it felt super gimmicky even for an open world game. It’s hard to summarize why without going into way too much detail. I had issues with the story too.

  5. The Last of Us - It had that movie thing going which I do not care for. However, I was able to get past that and enjoy it mostly. It did pass the time ok. Did not “feel good” to play though. Felt clunky and often tedious. Glad I played it, but think it was grossly overrated. The much-lauded story is just mediocre and cliche at best. Didn’t play the sequel.

  6. Spiderman - I admit I really liked swinging around the city. It felt good. But beyond that, fuck that game. Disgusting copaganda. Up with which I will not put. Like, Last of Us and Tsushima may have had their own kinds of reactionary themes, but Spiderman felt like a Clinton liberal and thin blue line chud set aside their differences so they could come together and make that abomination of setting and plot. Never finished it.


Lol glad someone else fucking hated the spiderman games… they’re slop dude

3 points
  1. Knack II
  2. everything else
2 points

Knacks back baby! Dunkey is the only person keeping this game in our collective memories




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Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.


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