For me

  1. Bloodborne

2.Demon souls bluepoint remake

  1. Ghosts of Tsushima

4.God of War

5.The last of us/ Uncharted.

  1. Rachet + clank

All good to great

Death stranding and Horizon = slop dog shit Imo could not finish them

These are the ones I’ve personally played.

4 points

Shadow of the Colossus will have to be in your top 3 when you play it. You can feel the weight of the game when you play it, from the vibe of the story to how they pulled off something like that on the ps2. Even if you play the bluepoint remake


Forgot about Shadow. Yeah that’s in my top 3


DS is the only one I would rate. The rest are video game equivalent of marvel slop. Excepting fromsoft. Ghost has nice art direction, but is an Ubisoft game at heart.


That’s fair. I was able to look past the generic gameplay because of the art direction and “samurai lol”. It’s a good ubisoft game, but yeah it does follow that formula (ghosts).

Demon Souls and Bloodborne are far and away the best things sony has in its exclusives library.

I like the God of war Reboot and Sequel, and I like The last of Us, but yes they do veer to close to feeling like Marvel in a video game. Especially God of war.

Spiderman and its sequels were movie game cinematic slop dog shit. Seriously who’s idea was it to give Spiderman 2 so many 9s?

That game was boring as fuck.


I think we mostly agree with DS being the only disagreement. I’ve never played a version of TLOU with acceptable performance, but I highly anticipate the day when an acceptable port/emulation of 2 arrives.

The GoW reboots are cool in terms of ideas, I should give them another shot now that the hype has died down. I just wish it had more complex combat. I went from playing dmcV to to the reboot port though, so that might have biased me. I think the real issue I had was how so many mechanics are locked and I had to watch cutscenes written by poor writers to slowly unlock the stuff.

Spider-Man coasts off the movement mechanics, they nailed that aspect. It’s like death stranding for the marvel brained, in that it has flashy but shallow movement that feels good while lacking depth or Ludo-narrative resonance.

I still need to play bloodborne. Apparently the emulator is almost there.

Are the ratchet games good? I loved the originals on ps2.

Edit: oh, and horizon. “Is that a ledge? Maybe I should climb the ledge.” Just constant shallow puzzles and ubi design.

4 points

Good (because they barely qualify as “IPs”): Demon Souls PS3 Bloodborne

Bad (because it’s a pathetic shitty half-assed attempt to turn another companies game into an IP): Demon Souls “Remake”

Who the fuck cares (IP Hell): Everything else Sony makes

It’s such a fucking travesty that Sony won’t port Bloodborne to PC, it would outsell every single other port they’ve done so far on day one and have made a profit that same day, but since it’s not an ongoing IP that furthers investment in the Playstation™ brand they’ll just let one of the best games of all times die a sad death on a dying platform.


Edit: Whoops didn’t mean this to me a response to you specifically.

The Last Guardian is #1. Love how life-like Trico is in it. I do like that the whole game is slowly crawling out of this pit-like fortress thing. It’s not suave or tight like Ico/SOTC because its UI and story are so clunky compared to them but it’s still really fresh otherwise. Hate how people band-wagoned against that game, or at least it seemed like they did, the game was discounted pretty heavily and I got it for like $10 new at one point I think.


I could not finish ghosts of tsushima. I have not finished an assassin’s creed game in years either though. I also had to force myself to finish god of war.

2 points

Only played demons souls, and for me that one is a 10/10 (yes I like the remake). The rest I hate because of how much they are responsible for the “games as movies” movement we have seen in AAA games.


The remake is the reason I got a ps5.

Really though, I’m not sure when It became controversial to like the remake. Everyone loved it at launch. Then it seems people slowly started bitching about it.




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Tabletop, DnD, board games, and minecraft. Also Animal Crossing.


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