Hi, everyone. A lot has happened here over the last couple days, and I’ll try to explain both what has been happening and what I’m doing to hopefully fix some of the damage that’s been done. Hopefully these actions can restore even a fraction of the goodwill that we previously had with the wider Lemmy community.

What’s happened

Beaver was recently reinstated as a moderator after finding herself at the center of the recent controversy where Lemmy administrator Rooki unjustly and unilaterally interfered with /c/vegan over a discussion surrounding cat food. I was made a moderator after that same controversy when naeva resigned and went to VeganTheoryClub, an instance defederated from Lemmy.World which is designed to be a haven for discussion of vegan food, activism, art, etc. Things were generally cooling down from that over the last week.

A couple days ago, Beaver began posting to /c/vegan with remarkable frequency (~15 posts/day). Not long after, /u/ccunning contacted me asking about why they had been banned for Rule 5, which is our rule against bad-faith arguments against veganism. ccunning is a member of this community, they might even be vegan, and I’ve never seen them to be anything but mild-mannered and supportive of veganism here. Because I could find no violation, I assumed it was an accident and unbanned them. Very shortly thereafter, ccunning informed me that they had been banned again, and Beaver messaged me in private stating that ccunning had been banned for downvoting vegan comments but encouraging me not to mention that fact publicly. A post on /c/unpopularopinion soon made it apparent that many people were being banned here for this same reason, and taking a look at the mod log, I saw dozens of bans by Beaver whose only stated reason was “Rule 5”.

Beaver continued posting and continued banning, and I messaged them asking if the /c/vegan moderators could have a team-wide discussion and vote concerning this interpretation of Rule 5. I made it clear to them that I felt uncomfortable with their behavior and felt it was doing harm to the community. Beaver ignored this request and simply responded to something else I’d said. 12 hours ago, they stickied a post to the top of /c/vegan daring the admins to interfere, a reference to the previous incident involving Rooki.

What’s being done

  • Beaver has been removed as a moderator for the community by me with no interference whatsoever from any of the Lemmy.World administrators. I believe her rash, unilateral actions over the last couple of days have done immense damage to the community under the (I believe misguided) pretense that it’s effective and disruptive activism. Based on the actions previously summarized, I feel strongly that she cannot presently be trusted to moderate cooperatively, to competently assess what’s best for the community, or to be transparent to our users. Although seemingly unlikely at this point, Beaver is encouraged to stay here as a welcome member of the community.
  • Anyone who was banned for downvoting will be unbanned effective immediately. This was completely out of line, and to my understanding, the moderation team was not consulted about this rogue interpretation of Rule 5. Because I don’t think you can tie specific comments to a ban, this will be something that could happen over a period of hours while I try to pin down the actual justification for each ban, and anyone currently banned is encouraged to appeal. Rule 5 is still in effect as it has always been, so please continue to participate in good faith.
  • Individual users will temporarily be limited to creating a certain number of posts per day. I’ll have to discuss with the rest of the moderation team if they would like this long-term and if so, what a reasonable limit is, but I think this needs to be done at least right now to cool things off. Beaver’s extremely frequent posts have completely drowned out posts made by other users and artificially inflated the activity of this community. The two posts stickied by Beaver will be unstickied, but none of her existing posts will be removed.

I was made a moderator here extremely recently, and so I didn’t feel comfortable intervening because I felt I’d be overstepping and betraying trust I’d been given. However, I see widespread distrust of Beaver as a moderator even among vegans (myself included) and feel that this is an emergency that I need to put a stop to.

-34 points

Boooo pick me vegan betrayal.

28 points

Friend, have you considered going outside and touching moss for a while?

25 points

She moderates 107 communities, no time to go outside.

14 points

Jesus christ, and I thought I’m on here too much.

17 points

Sounds like another awkwardturtle in the making.

Someone who has no life offline sees every online fight as life or death.

Someone with no power offline abuses what little power they have online.

12 points

It’s just name squatting. They’re nearly all 0 posts.

41 points

You’re not coming off as a reasonable person here. Questions of how to handle vegan related issues is one thing. Questions of how to handle community rules and enforcement is another. I pointed out on a different post of yours that your post seemed to violate a community rule, if it’s a question of interpretation of the rules fine, a decision needs to be made and enforced. You do not seem interested in having those discussions, making you unfit to act as a moderator.

39 points

Went off on the deep end.

Anybody who posts 15 times a day in the same community needs to go outside. Even worse is if it’s a mod.

-30 points

fwiw, if I had been asked, I’d have said I’m fine with banning people for voting behaviour if that’s the sort of place we want to be. Every vegan community does not have to be about the needs of activism, or the needs of non-vegans and potential vegans. It’s a valid discussion what this community should be about, but until there is some kind of consensus agreement about that, a lot of it legitimately comes down to individual interpretation and personal preferences. I don’t see that any lines have been crossed that needed an intervention and power struggle. This isn’t serious world-changing stuff and if someone needs a few days to process a reply, nbd.

I’d like to see Beaver restored to moderator status if they still want it and are interested in reaching a consensus agreement.

35 points

She didn’t just not process the reply; she actively replied but to something else, showing that she was deliberately ignoring the other portion. You were instated as a moderator two days ago by Beaver – essentially around the same time as she went on her spree, so it’s unsurprising that you support it. She also ostensibly instated an alt in the form of Thelemmybud, but I can’t say for certain that it’s an alt.

Beaver has been destroying this community, and it’s going to take months to restore any goodwill we had over just two days of manic, petulant shitposting. I’m not reinstating her, because this community is going to die if she’s allowed to continue to abuse her power.

-35 points

You were a moderator for 11 days and now think you can boss around a moderator who was around here for 3 months whom you were just asking questions about auto mod tools. To top it off you start swearing. You got some Chamberlain vegan energy. I wont be speaking with you anymore.

36 points

I’m going to work toward building this community up instead of burning it to the ground; I’m sorry that’s disagreeable to you. (Also wait, when did I swear? “Shitposting”?)

10 points

Good riddance.

-18 points

she actively replied but to something else, showing that she was deliberately ignoring the other portion.

That is jumping to a conclusion. You don’t know what her motivations are for not responding. I think we can afford to assume good faith. Because there is nothing of significance at stake here.

You make a diagnosis of mania. I am myself disabled. If you think that this is a mental health issue, I think a compassionate community could approach it from a compassionate point of view. And if you don’t think it is a mental health issue and you are just throwing words around, please be careful.

Rather than making assumptions about my relationship with Beaver, I would encourage you to ask me.

31 points

Respectfully, JF, I believe it’s a perfectly compassionate approach to gently ask someone to pump the brakes on their behavior and, when they escalate even further, to attempt to cool things off by forcibly deescalating. I personally am diagnosed bipolar and have many friends who are as well; this isn’t a diagnosis, and the word is often used colloquially.

I think it’s entirely valid not to assume good faith given the circumstances. What’s at stake here is that Beaver was destroying the community in real time through a nonsensical interpretation of Rule 5, and I think it’s perfectly valid to point out that you were instated by Beaver right as she started this posting spree that landed us in this mess in the first place. Thelemmybud was put in place at the same time (they’ve never posted here, rarely post at all, and have the same specific niche interests as Beaver, leading me to believe it was a LW alt for the fact that federated moderation is jank), and strangely, long-time moderator Eevoltic was removed, although I’m not sure if that was of their own doing since I cannot view who performed that action.

18 points

I’ve been seeing a lot of this as a result of posts making it to all without being subscribed. This feels like a good measured response to restore some semblance of order to the community. I don’t mind seeing the occasional vegan related post as it’s an interesting topic I can occasionally learn something from, but I do agree that the constant posting coupled with the capricious bans put me very close to just blocking the community and moving on with life.

12 points

Interesting course of events




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Please also check out vegantheoryclub.org for a great set of well-run communities for vegan news, cooking, gardening, and art. It is not federated with LW, but it is a nice, cozy, all-in-one space for vegans.

We ask that the you have an understanding on what veganism is before engaging in this community.

If you think you have been banned erroneously, please get in contact with one of the other mods for appeals.

Moderator reports may not federate properly and may delay moderator action. Please DM an active mod if an abusive comment remains after reporting it.


Welcome to c/vegan@lemmy.world. Broadly, this community is a place to discuss veganism. Discussion on intersectional topics related to the animal rights movement are also encouraged.

What is Veganism?

‘Veganism is a philosophy and way of living which seeks to exclude—as far as is possible and practicable—all forms of exploitation of, and cruelty to, animals …’

— abridged definition from The Vegan Society


The rules are subject to change, especially upon community feedback.

  1. Discrimination is not tolerated. This includes speciesism.
  2. Topics not relating to veganism are subject to removal.
  3. Posts are to be as accessible as practicable:
    • pictures of text require alt-text;
    • paywalled articles must have an accessible non-paywalled link.
  4. Content warnings are required for triggering content.
  5. Bad-faith carnist rhetoric & anti-veganism are not allowed, as this is not a space to debate the merits of veganism. Anyone is welcome here, however, and so good-faith efforts to ask questions about veganism may be given their own weekly stickied post in the future (see current stickied discussion).
    • before jumping into the community, we encourage you to read examples of common fallacies here.
    • if you’re asking questions about veganism, be mindful that the person on the other end is trying to be helpful by answering you and treat them with at least as much respect as they give you.
  6. Misinformation, particularly that which is dangerous or has malicious intent, is subject to removal.

Resources on Veganism

A compilation of many vegan resources/sites in a Google spreadsheet:

Here are some documentaries that are recommended to watch if planning to or have recently become vegan:

Vegan Fediverse

Lemmy: vegantheoryclub.org

Mastodon: veganism.social

Other Vegan Communities

General Vegan Comms





Circlejerk Comms


Vegan Food / Cooking




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  • 1.9K

    Monthly active users

  • 223


  • 2.6K
