If you guys could stop trying to take away things, people love six weeks before the election that would be great
Why is driving a big heavy piece of crap so important to you? It’s not like there aren’t other cars or smaller SUVs you can drive. And it’s not like guns where there is technically a valid use case for them.
But they absolutely need their shiny, factory clean F-350 so they can go to the drive through and get McDonald’s for dinner after picking up the kids. What, you expect them to drive a sedan? Or a minivan!?
Fuck this, feds need to keep their bullshit away from my truck.
As long as you only drive it on your own ranch, fine. But when you take your vehicle off your property, it becomes everyone else’s business.
But how will all of these guys compensate for their average or less than average penis?
Old or new?
Iirc older ones are basic micro cars while the newer tend to be a little larger and way higher end.
I can just see the pavement princess brigade seething because their next emotional support penismobile won’t be exaggerated anymore and they will actually be able to see pedestrians and cyclists.