You forgot “Digital Transformation”
I’m a particular fan of “power networking”
I confess that I’m 25 years into my career field and I still don’t “get” “OKR” and “PKI”.
I know what the acronyms mean and have looked at definitions dozens of times. But, when I see them in practice, I figure that there’s something I’m still missing—some arcane knowledge only revealed to project managers and executives—because they’re always somehow nonsensical to the business, like someone filled in a Mad Lib.
OKay, Right?
Means having a chill attitude, especially when you screw up badly right in front of your supervisor.
Public Key Infrastructure
Means your offices are locked not by company private keys but by public statutes of the state, and a court order will make them unlock.
(Or, less-commonly used)
PacK it In
Give up. Go home.
Get into the damn think tank!
The difference between people who just talk and the people who do.