They could always just rebrand themselves, “Women for American Freedom” or something?
(Sorry I realize this is pretty serious - does Texas even have the ability to shut down a federally funded agency like this?)
Well yeah, they hate the idea of planned parenthood. The desirables of society are supposed to be married expressly for the purpose of bearing children, and anyone else is supposed to have it thrust upon them whether they’re ready, want it or not.
It’s the name. PP and abortions are tied together in the minds of conservative voters, whether or not that particular branch provides abortion services. Texas legislature wants to burn down PP at all costs.
But then, Texas did something no other state had tried yet: It walked away from about $30 million in annual federal funds rather than allow Planned Parenthood to continue to provide contraception to low-income women. In 2013, Texas launched its own women’s health program, relying entirely on state dollars.
Texas’ reproductive health care landscape never recovered from this tornado, even when the state tried to make up the lost funding in future sessions.
Because it was never about abortion; it’s always been about controlling women and weakening their position in society.
It was always about fascism. Always has been, always will be.