That’s crazy to me. I don’t really like holidays but Halloween is such a fun vibe. It welcomes all types and can hit for any mood.
The decor and spooky theming is fun to me, but all the candy and trick-or-treat stuff just flies over my head.
That’s for the kids, and what kid wouldn’t want to go running around with friends while all dressed up to get free candy from everyone?
Yeah, I for real don’t know how or why more countries aren’t celebrating Halloween. It’s like the funnest one. Like y’all rest of the world don’t wanna play dress up and party for a night?
Canada as well
I feel like North American countries can be united in this one thing and that’s neat.
UK used to party pretty hard on Hallows’ Eve. I’m quite sure is still a thing.
It would actually be self cleaning in a way.
to be fair, it’s not just America, although it’s kinda just the uk as well, it is an irish/scottish holiday originally after all
But in the US it’s a major event that’s ALL of October now. It’s a whole other level. Walk into CVS or Walgreens (equivalent of Boots) and there’s a wall of Halloween merch right inside the entrance.
Or maybe the UK is the same now? After all, it has Black Friday sales.
even in my lifetime the Americanisation of halloween has been really weird, it’s obviously a lot more commercialised, but also nobody calls it guising anymore it’s honestly kinda depressing since a lot of our traditions have just been replaced with american ones
Back at school in the UK, in the 70s, I read a book about traditions from around the world. It included a description of trick-or-treating as part of the “what people do in other countries” theme. We would put candles in turnips in that era.
In the 90s I had some kids at the door in costume but who got confused and said “penny for the guy”. Or maybe it was the other way around (they had a guy but said trick or treat).
How do you say, “Sucks to be you guys!” in non-American?