YouTube just told me again about how turtles have nerve ends on their shell and how they have a decent amount of sensibility through it. Also, I’ve seen videos of turtles being social and helping one another and, finally, while this is apparently a bit rare, I did know people who owned iguanas who had some small attachment to their owners, and one would actually stick around for some stroking of their back.

So, adding all up, let’s just say this: I never owned a turtle and never really spoke about turtles with people who own them. I don’t know if they bond, I don’t even even know if they visibly give any indication of noticing being handled through their shells.

So, turtle owners… Do turtles like being pet through their shells?

52 points

I’ve got a red earred slider I rescued, and can say definitely they can feel everything. Mine particularly likes it if you use a toothbrush to scrub off scales of his shell.

Also lesser known but very important fact about aquatic turtles- they need a good place to sunbathe, something they really enjoy and helps with health. Also, room to swim (e.g. don’t keep a turtle in a couple inches of water; they need depth. Mine enjoys 55 gallons to himself).

As for socializing… that parts hard to say since it’s easy to anthromorphise their behavior. Are they happy to see me everyday? Absolutely. So do goldfish. Do many turtles get along? For sure, I see them stack up at the lake. Does that make them social? Who knows, but likely not in a way humans are.

Btw they make fantastic pets, just be mindful of how big they get, especially females. I had to build mine a hutch to sunbathe atop his tank, too. People often abandon them, so much so that they are illegal to sell in some places. Do keep that in mind!

2 points

How long they live?

4 points

I’ve had mine for about 10 years, but I heard they can go to 30 pretty easy. Kind of low maintenance too, except you do need to invest in a good filter. Aquatic turtles are filthy.

39 points

Can confirm, turtles can feel through their shells. Petting or light scritches tend to be enjoyed.

case in point

34 points

Turtles love to be scratched on their shells. They frequently shed their scutes, little pieces of their shells, and the scratching also can help them shed. I had a turtle and he loved it so much I put a brush in his aquarium for him to rub up on

10 points

You’re good people. 👍

24 points

Some of them even do a cute little wiggle to get more shell scritches.

5 points

This actually gives the turtles sexual pleasure

12 points

Bruh this ain’t the way

2 points

More scritchies per scritch.

23 points

I had a turtle when I was a kid. Used to come up on his rock when I was near and stick out his neck, and rub the side of his head on my finger.

I didn’t know they had nerves in their shell at the time, I was very little. But they do enjoy some scritches. So maybe?


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