Just wait until everyone is forced to wear screens on their faces 24/7, because that’s the way tech companies want us to live. I’m not being sarcastic, either.
There’s a reason why so many people consciously choose to “disconnect” when they want a mental break. If we are no longer able to, how healthy do you think our society will be?
In everyone, I would assume.
My phone for today says 3 hours and i haven’t watched any TV. So me I guess. Yesterday said 3.5 but I watched part of a baseball game so it probably totaled 4.5. I think most days I’d be under four hours of total screen time. I’d be under everyday for sure if we excepted reading. Moonreader+ has 2 of my three hours. The rest is feed reader and jerboa.
4 more gigstons of CO2 in the atmosphere linked to more anxiety in people who might actually see 2100.
“Well, you can’t just take the effect and make it the cause.”
- The white stripes, Effect and Cause
Correlation or causation.
I feel like shit and don’t have friends so I spend more time alone on my phone?
Or I spend more time alone on my phone so I feel like shit and have no friends?