(link is to the Supreme Court’s opinion document)

16 points

My generation is so fucked. Between looming climate collapse, rising inequality, inaccessible housing market, it just feels like shit isn’t worth even trying for.

We can’t even get a small amount of our student loans discharged when prior generations paid basically nothing for them. And - let’s not forget - how corps got all of their ppp shit written off. What a joke.

11 points

We can’t even get a small amount of our student loans discharged when prior generations paid basically nothing for them. What a joke

the fact that it’s a 6-3 decision is the real meme here. clearly signals that literally no argument would have convinced the conservative majority here–they will always strike this down. real change on this front necessitates making the court irrelevant or just ignoring it at this point.

2 points

Right across ideological lines. It seems unlikely to get politics and ideological beliefs out of the Supreme Court any time soon. The states had no standing in the first place, I’m surprised it didn’t get thrown out just due to that.

The overreach by this court has been disasterous, especially in light of the unethical behavior by justices to accept gifts from would-be plantiffs without recusing themselves.

1 point

Yep. Unless we pack the court or do something drastic, the US is screwed for decades.

Something has to change. Between the way our legislators are apportioned, to the way the EC works for the presidency, to the SC lifetime appointments, it just feels like theres no fucking hope

1 point

Either the Democrats need to make some big changes internally, or a third party is going to have to break up the current duopoly. The current Democratic party sucks, as an effective opposition to the Republicans. The GOP just keeps drifting further to the far-right, and the Democrats continue to compromise even though the demands are becoming more extreme. This drags the whole government toward more conservative policies, regardless of which party is winning the elections.

Change isn’t going to happen when you have an aging centrist like Biden in the Oval Office. Governing by compromise is all he knows how to do. And yet, the Democrats still think they’re “winning” even though the GOP is actively twisting their arm with every policy they try to pass. We need more people in Congress who are actually liberals, not centrists, and recognize that the current system isn’t working for anyone outside outside of the 1%. Until that happens, the far-right is just going to keep turning up the heat, and the rest of the country is going to be stuck sitting there like a frog in a pot of water that is slowly being brought to a boil.

1 point

Canada’s wildfires are currently 11x worse than they were at the same time last year. And 21x times worse than the average over the past decade. The world’s on fire and everything’s fucked. Feeling really defeated today.

1 point

As a fellow young person the only thing that keeps me motivated for change is the hope that when these guys all die (sorry this is so morbid) we can take some power and create some change.

10 points

But they won’t force the fkers that took out PPP loan out on all of the younger people stuck with student loan and further cause inflation to get worse.. I am honestly at the point where I think all of the younger generations need to band together, stop paying taxes and tell the government to just fk off already, they are not a legitimate government institute since they don’t represent the will of the people and that we should establish a new government to replace it (using constitution and laws from saner country.)

We legitimately have tried to change this country through Bernie Sanders and instead only for DNC to say, “Lol fk all of you, Hillary Clinton!” in such a non-democratic notation and then they basically hand over the election to Trump and consequentially the 3 Supreme Court Positions to basically permanently screw us over. Even if we voted to get all of the Democrat’s majority chairs in congress, they did nothing with it.

I’m tired of all of the double standards, some of my friends have been killed by this institute, because they went homeless, didn’t get the medical coverage and all that during covid. To everyone telling people to go and vote, sure, but as long as the current political system is in place, America’s only destiny is to further radicalize to the extremist right and democrat party is helping them do it. American government is NOT legitimate and it’s not a democracy.


2 points

It’s hard to predict if Bernie would have beaten Trump. The GOP likely has a binder full of opposition research ready to go if Bernie had become nominee, with enough “scandals” and “socialist scare quotes” to mobilize their base even more. Meanwhile, Sanders didn’t even get more votes in the primary.

And yes, Trump winning in 2016 was a huge blow, with a lot of momentum from things like the Comey investigation and a more divided left base than on the right.

But it’s not fair to say that we should turn our back on politics, as this is exactly what causes the “will of the people” to not be heard. If young people want to be heard, they should vote in the same numbers as the older generations, and think strategically about which choices bring the highest benefit in the real world. Voting for someone who represents your ideals with no chance of winning is worse than voting for someone who only partially represents them but has an actual chance of winning. At least until first past the post is eliminated.

2 points

With who though? They won’t eliminate the first pass the post, good luck ever fixing that one, why remove the thing that got you in office?

1 point

You’re high if you don’t think Bernie would have gotten more votes from across the aisle than Biden. That’s just an insane argument. The fact that the DNC and Dems in general had issues with Bernie would have brought voters over. We saw when Bernie went on Fox and got a fantastic response that he was more able to cross that gap than some corporate Dem. I’d say voting for Biden in fear, or any same-ol’ candidate just perpetuates the bullshit of the past 5 decades.

2 points

Bernie or busters are what got us into this situation in the first place, get the fuck off of your high horse and vote.

1 point

The best form of protest a young person can do is leaving America. No need to lie flat when you speak English and have an American passport. Hell, depending on the country you could probably even get away with not paying your student loans (and that living situation gives you a lot of leverage if you wanted to renegotiate your loan)

1 point

Unless you have one of the in-demand degrees or specialties, most countries aren’t going to just let you move in.

1 point

Not EVERY country for every skill set, sure. But there’s plenty of countries that you can move to with a CELTA

-2 points

Why make a new government when it will inevitably end up as an oppressive regime, just like every other nation and government. (don’t @ me, even NZ, Denmark and other “perfect” countries are still oppressive) Why not go all anarchist? It’s worked for a time Ukraine and Spain and I believe it could work here.

1 point

This is why the unification of ends and means is so important. If we want to achieve a society that is non-hierarchical and free from oppression, the systems that we build within the struggle against oppressive forces needs to embody non-hierarchical organization and practice.

It’s why a revolution that’s created by a small minority, a “vanguard,” ceases to be revolutionary once it recreates state power and then must structure itself to the maintenance of it’s own authority.

1 point

For some kind of anarchist, socialist utopia to even remotely work you need consensus and social cohesion. A desire to get along and work for the betterment of others.

To propose something like that, at this point in time for America… while it would be nice in theory, if you removed government what do you think would happen?

…also, Denmark is oppressive? lol

1 point

How’s anarchy supposed to work? Both Ukraine and Spain have functioning “oppressive” governments now. I always figured that it’d end up with whoever has the most guns ending up doing whatever they want.

2 points

The reason that those two countries are now under “authoritarian” rule is the fact that the anarchist communities that were functioning were shutdown by neighboring states. It would take a truly global revolution for anarchism to work. However, I could see that happening in my lifetime due to the state of the planet. Once there’s nothing left for us to extract and nothing left to fight over nations will have very little power.

1 point

You think the world would be better if there was no government than if there was one like in Denmark or New Zealand? Are you serious?

2 points

Yeah, he’s seriously 15 years old mentally. Sounds like libertarian garbled nonsense.

We all benefit from altruism. Because of one thing, technology. Let’s talk medical care for one, I have access to better healthcare than any medieval king had, actually I would say any human being has had on this earth since before 1980? 1985? Hell I don’t even know when.

Why is that? Because of medical advancements caused by scientific collaboration, which can be guided by public funding and public interests. How do you have these breakthroughs? You educate the populace and direct attention to scientific accomplishments.

Fuck anarchy, we are social species. Social democracy is the shit!

9 points

I really hate the state of the Supreme Court atm. Looking back, it wasn’t a legitimate institution from the beginning, but the current 6-3 court shows how flawed it is, being out of line with public opinion in loads of different cases and effectively legislating from the bench via judicial review.

The only reason it has gotten this bad, though, is because Congress has abdicated its responsibilities as a legislative body and left it more and more to executive orders and court decisions. The entire debate around the Dobbs decision could have been avoided if Dems codified abortion into law, and this one could have avoided too if our Congress actually went to work legislating a solution to the ongoing student loan and college affordability crisis.

I think we need supreme court reform. I’m particularly partial to the idea of having a rotating bench pulled randomly from the lower courts each term, with each party in Congress getting a certain amount of strike outs to take people off that they don’t want, similar to the way jurors are selected. I also think the people should be able to overrule the court via referendum, because ultimately we should decide what the constitution says.

I just can’t see this happening though, at least for multiple decades until the younger people today get into political power.

2 points

We would probably have a better Supreme Court even if we had arbitrary requirements that make little sense but would be a better alternative to what we have now. For instance:

  • All Justices must have the name Horatio (either a given name or by name change). No last names.

  • Twenty years of experience required in horticulture, which because of the forementioned name change, is more like horatioculture.

  • Must have read at least 3000 books of any type.

  • Can juggle an arbitrary amount of oranges on demand.

  • Has combat experience in either blunt or bladed weaponry in the event of a zombie apocalypse, with a skill level scaled to their age. Alternatively, skilled in the occult and necromancy (to turn the undead).

  • Can create rhythmic song related to the laws being discussed in the event of spontaneous musicals.

9 points

It’s quite okay to bail out corporations all day long (2008/2009 great recession, 2020 pandemic) to the tune of billions and billions of dollars, but don’t even think of helping normal people. Ever.

This just proves it’s VERY important to vote and allowing someone like Trump to have 3 court picks has clearly been disastrous in many decisions made by this court.

-3 points

I paid for my loans - why should we forgive the loans for what is already the most entitled generation ever? They took out the loans - they can pay them. Otherwise where does it stop? Are they going to forgive mortgages and car loans next? Why not? It’s the same principle.

13 points

I paid for my loans - why should we forgive the loans

first off… you do know that the economy doesn’t just stay stagnant for decades, right? houses aren’t $17,000 anymore. the fact that you were able to pay your loans before has little to do with how expensive student loans are now.

secondly, the logic of “i did it so they should have to do it to” is quite a toxic & nonproductive way to think about society, & societal change. what you need to realize is that this sentiment comes from a place of envy & bitterness rather than actual logic. you don’t want things to improve for the next generation because you can’t fathom someone having it easier than you. you could apply this logic to anything, & the final conclusion will always just be “why bother changing”, it’s not much different from the conclusions you’d reach through pessimistic nihilism. growing up i was poor, so much so that sometimes we didn’t even have dinner, a house or even a car to sleep in. does that mean i should raise my future children in poverty too? why not? i did it, got through it, so the next generation should have to get through it too, right?

if, throughout human history, our entire reasoning for making changes in society was “well i had to do it so they have to too” then we’d still be in huts & making fire with sticks. our ancestors didn’t work, fight, & die so that the next generation would have to live the exact same life as them, they worked so that their children could have better. & this drive for the next generation to have a better life than the last is the reason why we’ve worked so hard to improve, invent, & innovate over the course of human history. it’s why we even have a safe society in the first place, & probably why your parents worked so hard to give you a great life too.

what is already the most entitled generation ever?

according to who, & what? from my perspective, the generation who had an economy so great that they could afford a house & family without college & yet still choose to complain about everything is the most entitled. but i guess we’re all spoiled brats because we want to have an actual future.

Otherwise where does it stop? Are they going to forgive mortgages and car loans next? Why not? It’s the same principle.

slippery slope is known as a logical fallacy for a reason

3 points

This is just a beautiful response. Thank you for writing it up so that I didn’t have to attempt it.

2 points

If Beehaw had awards or gilding of some kind, I would give you some for this response.

0 points

Please know there are many of us out here that do not feel like that.

It took me until I was in my late 40s to pay off all my loans from grad school. I am still not where I want to be in terms of having proper retirement savings, a home of my own, and more financial stability because I spent decades just tying to climb out of debt. I did not have support throughout my youth from family, so loans were my only way to get the education I needed. I would not wish my own struggles to get where I am now on anyone.

Politicizing this issue, like so many others, has obviously failed to address it but I hold hope that through other systems within education and social justice programs it may still possible. Changing the way in which higher education gate-keeps access through cost to begin with is just so wrong in the first place, it’s criminal. Unless you go into massive debt or have means already, it is almost totally out of reach for the people that need it the most. I know these are all complex issues and there are no simple fixes, but we can’t give up on trying to find them.

13 points

Because we owe the younger generations a better future. The rallying cry of narcissists and fools is “I suffered and therefore so should you!” – we’re better than that.

11 points

the most entitled generation ever

You mean the boomers who went to college for like five bucks a semester?

9 points

undefined_one> It’s the same principle.

It’s really not. The system is broken and student loans are extortionate. Borrowers were promised something that was not delivered.

I paid for my loans, too, but I don’t think the next generation should suffer because we bought into a broken system. It’s been shown that student loan forgiveness will have a hugely positive impact on the economy. I’d much rather we make decisions that benefit society as a whole versus holding on some misplaced idea that it’s more important we punish a group for believing the lies they were told.

Also, “most entitled generation ever” is such bullshit, pure and simple. Wage gap, American Dream© being a lie, housing crisis, etc., etc. This generation was led to believe they had a future, but they just can’t afford it.>

9 points

This is an incredibly selfish perspective. We’re talking about education, not a mortgage, although everyone should have the ability to house themselves.

A nation should want an educated population, so higher education should be made easier to achieve, not harder to achieve. That’s why most developed nations have affordable universities or free/cheap public education.

Young people were pushed constantly to get higher education by any means necessary or they were told they would ruin their futures. This means that kids as young as 18 and 19 were signing their life away and going into massive amounts of debt because they felt they had no other choice. Combined with the predatory loan and for profit university practices of loaning as much as they can and charging whatever loan companies would give, it quickly spirals into screw-a-generation territory.

Just because you managed to pay off your loans doesn’t make it feasible for everyone else, and they don’t deserve to have a tough life because of predatory higher education costs and decisions they made right out of highschool.

8 points

Your generation does the job listing that requires that generation to get a degree?

The irony of “i got mine during a better economy, fuck them kids” is a stance you are proud of.

7 points

What makes them the most entitled generation ever?

6 points

I was a slave for my whole life, why should my children be free of the pain I endured?

5 points

Look at this guy acting like there isn’t also a housing crisis in the USA

3 points

Let’s re-examine your statement by switching out a couple of words that keep the idea of “why should they get <x>?” to show how it would sound with any other context.

I <had to lose my eye to a car wreck> - why should we force <carmakers to build vehicles with seatbelts> for what is already the most entitled generation ever?

They <want to drive> - they can <drive in a car without a seatbelt just like I did>. Otherwise where does it stop? Are they going to <mandate airbags in cars> next?

Why not? It’s the same principle.

Do you understand now? If not, try changing what’s in the <x> to being related to “cancer treatment” or “the 40 hour work week” or “social security.”

Just because something before was bad and we made it better, doesn’t mean we should not do it just because it won’t help everyone.

3 points

“I beat cancer, why should we spend money curing it?”

Car loans don’t directly improve our society. Education does.

2 points

“Are they going to forgive mortgages and car loans next?” this would also be a good thing.

1 point

What makes them the most entitled generation ever?

1 point
Deleted by creator
9 points

I refuse to believe this decision was influenced, in any way, by any actual consideration of the U.S. Constitution. There’s no reasonable interpretation of that document which would provide sufficient justification to rule the relief plan unconstitutional. This was a political decision, pure and simple, by a government body that is supposed to be apolitical. Just like every other branch of government, the judiciary has become corrupted by billionaire donors and turned into a polarized mockery of its original intent. No wonder public opinion of the Supreme Court is in the toilet. They’re no better than Congress these days.

2 points

Frankly, it was a mistake to ever consider the Supreme Court apolitical to begin with. Nobody is above politics, pretending not to play the game doesn’t mean they weren’t doing it. The Supreme Court needs to change, whether its through term limits or making them democratically elected.




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