The question assumes that you are in mixed company and not just by yourself at your home.
It depends.
- If you are dining, then place it on the far side of your plate.
- If you are sitting at a table, but not dining, then place it approximately halfway between the dining position and the table edge.
- If you are standing by the table, then I’d go with about 4"-6" from the table edge.
- If you are standing by the table in a high traffic area, then I’d go with 6"-8".
- If you notice someone nearby who is particularly animated when speaking, then I’d aim for the centre of the table.
This answer assumes the table in question is a dining table. Coffee tables are a whole different kettle of fish; and don’t even get me started on side tables, bureaus and credenzas!
Edit: formatting
This is fantastic. I want to lick your brain (in an appreciative and consensual way).
I found I disagreed strongly, but that was for standing tables, for dining tables I agree without reservation. Well phrased!
The height of the glass must be equal to approximately 1.6 times the distance from the edge, so that it achieves the golden ratio
Are felines present?
According to my daughter, ‘almost falling off’ is the correct distance.
Due to unruly kids: At least two times the glasses hight away from the edge so at least the glass won’t drop to the floor.
You can’t prevent the kids from turning the table into wetlands but at least spare yourself shards and other trouble.