like, it’s caffeine and water and brown, who cares. i drink diet soda so it’s no calories, no sugar. versus the stereotype starbucks order, why is soda so demonized

the whole sort of basically woo stuff about oh there’s antioxidants there which give you a 3% lower risk of skin cancer after the age of 65 like come on that doesn’t count

66 points

Coffee is healthier than soda if you take your coffee black. Black coffee is basically just water. Soda will have either sugar or artificial sweeteners in additional to sodium and other additives that make it a less healthy option.

Coffee with milk would still be better for you than soda, but you’ve got a good point about coffee with sweeteners essentially being just as bad as soda. Maybe the reason people treat coffee differently is because there is a healthy way to drink it and they incorrectly extrapolate that fact to any type of coffee (no, your coffee with eight sugars is not healthier than a can of Coke). Add in the fact that coffee is an acquired taste and now you’ve got one drink that only adults tend to drink (coffee) and one drink that kids love (soda) and people incorrectly assume that coffee is a more “grown up” thing to drink.

30 points

I think a coffee with 8 sugars is still WAY less sugar than a soda.

12 points

Yes and diet soda isn’t a perfect alternative. We’re still learning about the long term effects of artificial sweeteners. It’s a headache trying to navigate the options.

There are seltzer waters that have caffeine. I would guess those are comparable to black coffee in terms of healthiness.

4 points

I’m not saying you’re totally wrong to be suspicious but aspartame is the most scientifically examined substance in the history of the world, and so far its only damaging if you consume it undiluted in large quantities, which is also true for like vinegar or alcohol etc.

it would be equally true to suggest we don’t know the long term effects of exposure to mobile phones, even though they seem perfectly safe.

49 points

Basically the same drink? How?

Cup of black coffee and a cup of cola look similar, I guess…

48 points

Sodas have high fructose corn syrup which is a type of sugar. One soda contains 18 packets of sugar [1]. This is far more than coffee for the average person. Now if you consider diet sodas those use aspertame as a sweetener and so it’s basically sweet’n’low packets. So on a pure sugar content perspective coffee is healthier.

Soda has been known to eat away teeth [2]. While coffee does so as well, it’s to a lesser degree[3]. So long-term physically, coffee is better.

If you consider nutritional benefits and ignore the antioxidants like you said, coffee is still mostly water and therefore can count to your water intake [4]. Soda is also water as you might imagine, it being a drink, but again, to a lesser degree.

That said, if you drink diet soda in the morning you do you. You shouldn’t feel judged for wanting to eat something in moderation. But know that coffee has proven health benefits and soda has proven health detriments. These things apply to sodas at whatever time of day.

7 points

A cup of coffee also has about 2g of fibre, which is actually quite a lot in the context of the average American diet of highly processed food. IIRC the average American only eats about 15g of fibre per day - which is fucking terrible BTW.

48 points

Because people aren’t pouring 30-40 grams of sugar into their coffee. Also artificial sweeteners taste like shit and haven’t been proven to not cause other health issues.

Drink water.

24 points

Because people aren’t pouring 30-40 grams of sugar into their coffee.

I’ve seen people try. 🤢

1 point

If you have a large coffee with oat milk (which has tons of sugar/carbs) and sugar, it’s pretty damn close to that.

-28 points

Your reasoning is on level with religious people claiming that atheists have to prove that god doesn’t exist.

How do you prove that you are not a murderer?

13 points

Oh god dude you’d kill us so quick in the pharmaceutical industry.

EVERYTHING is trying to kill us, were lucky when something doesn’t - so assuming a chemical we randomly made that tastes like sugar doesn’t emulate it 100% isn’t unreasonable

(and what do you know, there even are links between aspartame in diet coke and cancer)

-2 points

The statement you think is supporting your belief is actually saying the opposite. WHO specifically does not claim that aspartame cause cancer.

However, what they did state is there was no reason to change the recommended acceptable daily intake level of 40 mg per kg of body weight per day .

Also, The FDA disagrees with IARC’s (what you refer to as WHO) conclusion that these studies support classifying aspartame as a possible carcinogen to humans. FDA scientists reviewed the scientific information included in IARC’s review in 2021 when it was first made available and identified significant shortcomings in the studies on which IARC relied. FDA also pointed out that JECF (also WHO) did not raise safety concerns for aspartame under the current levels of use and did not change the Acceptable Daily Intake (ADI).

So yeah… Just believing journalists trying to click bait you is probably more likely to give you cancer than following the recommendation from WHO regarding daily intake of aspartame.

32 points

People care? Do what you want to do, it’s your life. Have fun.


[Outdated, please look at pinned post] Casual Conversation


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