SCI is proud to release a suite of business cards, flyers, and other promotional materials to help promote BOINC and its awesome projects.

There is a business card for each project, along with some general BOINC promotional materials available in our Github Repository. These are openly licensed so you are free to print your own, modify them to suit your needs, and distribute them however and wherever you’d like.

Repo link:

The cards contain a link and QR code which redirects to each project’s website. The links are redirected through SCI’s site so we can measure the impact these cards are making and see how many redirects we’re getting.

If you know of any other publicly-available promotional materials for BOINC, please let us know so we can add them to our repo.

PS We reached out to each project for feedback on what they’d like to see on the cards but many projects did not respond. If you are a project admin who would like some of the text on your card changed or have any questions please contact contact{at} Thanks!

3 points

Time to scatter these across the comp.sci building at my university when the term starts up in a couple weeks…

2 points

Nice, will use the design for new flyers or cards next month… Some comment: im not a fan of the double use of the word computer in “your computers spare computional power”… Had the same problem with the german translation and dont have suggestions for improvement unfortunately :)




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