Coffee. Unhealthy amounts of coffee.
Coffee, water and bread
Whatever they sell at nearest bakery in my village. It’s very nice and always fresh.
I eat like I’m in an apocalypse survival game. What did my survivor find to eat today? Ooh, root beer and string cheese.
Breakfast on weekdays is peanut butter on wholemeal toast. With a huge cup of coffee.
Throughout the day I drink water flavoured by raspberries and blueberries.
Dinner (or lunch to the rest of the English speaking world, I’m from northern England) is a chickpea and mixed vegetable salad I prep for the week on Sunday.
Tea (main evening meal) is normally a pie or something breaded like a Kiev or fish served with chips (chunky fries) and mixed frozen vegetables. Then Greek yoghurt with mashed frozen raspberries and blueberries for dessert.
As a snack most days some digestive biscuits with a cup of tea (what’s normally called breakfast tea).
Saturdays I skip breakfast and have a bacon sandwich for dinner.
Once a month I order a huge calzone for tea on a Saturday (my local takeaway calls it the Monster, it has every kind of meat they serve in it) which I dunk in mayonnaise and pig out on whilst drinking a Doombar. Then I have another Doombar whilst smoking a cigar afterwards. Normally there’s enough calzone left for food the following day.
Cheese. I’m pretty sure I never go a day without eating some cheese. Cheese is the best.