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Il grosso gradone è che spesso agli enti conviene non solo per un discorso di costi.

Che uptime ha un server mantenuto dall’università? Se va down c’è l’assistenza non dico H24 ma che risponde in poche ore? Perché se feddit va down qualche giorno anche pazienza, se vanno down i servizi universitari durante la sessione si alza il panico.

Chi è che si occupa di data privacy? Per rispettare il GDPR deve essere nominato un funzionario che si occupa di tutte le richieste di compliance.

Che data persistence avrebbe? Perché Google/Microsoft ti conservano plurime copie di backup anche cold storage su nastro magnetico, in self hosting? Oppure corriamo il rischio che succeda qualcosa e tutti i dati di studenti, docenti, dottorandi e staff vario faccia una brutta fine con tutti i casini connessi?

Purtroppo c’è un motivo se anche aziende giganti preferiscono esternalizzare i servizi It piuttosto che fare self hosting, anche se magari costerebbe anche meno


I think we’re just getting started.

Yeah of course, we need to remember Lemmy is not even out of beta yet. But people don’t really care, they try it once and if the user experience isn’t at the level of competitors they simply won’t use it unless there’s a philosophical rationale (for example decentralization, but many don’t care at all). That’s why I’m so happy many developers with great UX experience like Sync are approaching the platform


I mean… What? That’s kind of exactly what’s happening in lemmy communities

Indeed I can understand this one. I’m really liking Lemmy but discoverability is pretty bad, add the fact the ranking is shit and pretty useless in suggesting interesting content and you will understand his point.

Reddit has both much more content and not only a better ranking system but also a functioning personalized algorithm, if you want to use it.

To this day, all of the non mainstream Lemmy communities I’m following it’s because I’ve used to follow the subreddit and it migrated here.


But I think there’s a big difference here

I tried to use mastodon but I feel that microblogging inherently require some centralization, it’s impossibile to find people to follow and the feed is always a mess with bunch of stuff that doesn’t interest me.

On the contrary I’m using Lemmy since a while and it works much better for content discovery, communities act as a"human algorithm" the same way they work on Reddit and it help much with the federation approach.

What I arrived to realize is that some form of social media are more adaptable to the fediverse.

For example, I hardly see any decentralized version of TikTok


Centralized services are usually more efficient than decentralized but that’s not the primary goal of the fediverse

My main concern with this is, if only a handful of centralized social network reached long term stability, and most of them are unprofitable, how can Lemmy (or any other foss fediverse project) completely hold itself on 2 unpaid developers and immense unpaid work from volunteers in the long run.

Because ok, Lemmy.world is looking for experienced sysadmin and that post already had a little backslash, but this isn’t sustainable long term, it’s impossibile to keep scaling like that.

And I feel that’s one of the biggest reasons holding back the fediverse


I strongly disagree.

It’s indeed an important sign the fediverse is growing organically and attracting people outside the niche.

I’d really like to see Lemmy compatibile server implementation and I don’t care if they make the code closed source or you have to pay to register. The idea of the fediverse is exactly tho be open to diverse philosophies.

For the very same reason I’m glad threads will be federate with the rest of the fediverse. Don’t like that particular instance? Don’t use it, just like you don’t use a website you don’t like despite them using the same standard as everyone else


You’re not, we also have English communities like https://feddit.it/c/askitaly And you’re free to make post in English in italian communities using the English tag

The only thing they have at registration is that you need to write a sentence in “some regional italian slang” And that’s basically serve the purpose to restrict a little bit sign in not to finish like lemmy.world targeting italian speakers

But it’s actually pretty easy


Ok but the question that arise is:" if the community is duplicated on every server that access it, isn’t it a little bit of a waste of computational power and disk space ?"

Expecially considering now Lemmy is pretty small, but in the future you could hopefully have a much larger audience


YT’s system that had messed up and not the legal system.

Oh the legal system is very much messed up, YouTube tried to put a bandage in it. You have to consider that usually you would need a full personalized legal contract for each piece of copyrighted material you use. Content id tries to automate the process, but it’s not perfect.

A 10-20% royalty should be more than enough to incentivise research while still preventing price-fixing and monopolies.

Which is what happens with patents today. The company holding the patent rarely also physical produces the drug, they usually have “manufacturing agreements” expecially in geographic far markets; where they let a second company make the drug with the company holding the patent on it and they are free to sell it in exchange for a percentage of the label price.

That’s also what happened with vaccines and many other medications, it’s like the standard procedure lol


Il pompaggio idroelettrico è molto poco flessibile, hai bisogno sia del dislivello che della massa d’acqua da pompare.

Accumuli di questo tipo invece puoi farli praticamente ovunque.

Ne avremo comunque decisamente meno bisogno se la smettessimo con l’ossessione per sole e vento e cominciassimo seriamente a diversificare il mix con anche geotermico, biomassa, nucleare ecc. E riprendendo in mano l’idroelettrico il cui sviluppo abbiamo un po’ abbandonato perché costruire dighe spesso non piace agli ambientalisti
