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I’m going to jump to Samsung’s defense here as I think your anti-consumer belief is misguided:

  • the SD card has been drifting away from most Android phones for the core reason of reliability. Data stored on SD cards is not at reliable and when apps are forced to run off the SD card, there are side effects and crashes which are nightmares for devs. When a non brand SD card loses a user’s data, the user blamed the phone manufacturer, which is akin to putting the wrong fuel in your car and then blaming the car manufacturer that your car won’t go.
  • mag-stripe. Considering they are a Korean company, I don’t blame them for dropping a complex feature used by a select few in the US. Because the US is the only country left that thinks the ancient technology of the magnetic stripe is still a good medium for the transfer of your bank details. Contact-less paymemt is now pretty much standard everywhere else and is so much more secure and standardised. The range and reliability of the contact-less payment has increased massively for me on the S23 in comparison to the S20 which was also lumbered with magstipe support.
  • dilution of features? Again, why should it be more complicated? A larger phone can incorporate more lenses, screen and battery, but the core features and benefits should be the same to make the choice simpler for the consumer. Advertising of the range is simpler also.

Each to their own but these are just my views based on 11 years in the mobile phone retail business.


ViMusic is worth a try:


You have Windows Subsystem for Linux (WSL) which will allow you to run Ubuntu within Windows.

Or you have Docker for Windows which also utilises WSL in a similar manner.

So yes, although not a native Windows exe, it’s perfectly possible.


It’s too old to help with transcoding, I’m afraid, so probably won’t aid your server in any way.


For free,

For a little money (of buying a domain name), Cloudflare

Both have apps, scripts, API, docker containers etc. to dynamically update. And a web interface, obviously.


Give a go instead. So much faster for me on VM.


True, but it’s up to Tom if he wishes to be transparent about costs and/or donations received or not.

As I used to run a large server for a large community forum a few years ago - admin’ing something like this can sometimes be a very thankless task, and users will be sympathetic if you’re out of pocket (and only some will help) but as soon as they see you made a tiny bit of profit one month, they forget the fact that actually, you’re about £1k down at the moment, as this extra £62.32 I’ve made this mornth can go against that… ;-) Not to mention the free time given up to actually maintain and look after a busy server. So I’d totally understand if he didn’t want others telling him what he might be doing wrong with his costs, etc. “Oh, well, you could save £4.20 if you moved the whole service to this little unknown company … etc.” :)

I’m also hoping as the code for Lemmy matures, it becomes less memory-hungry and more CPU-friendly. The more help they get on Github to make it truly scalable, the better.

Time will tell! I’m just thankful for what we have now.


No chance.

You concentrate on the TPM but ignore the CPU requirements…? If you have a CPU that is up to spec, you have a TPM - they’re built in the CPU. Most people just need to turn it on in the BIOS (or update their BIOS as motherboard manufacturers have turned on the TPM as “Windows 11 support”)

The truth of it is, every “jump” OS, i.e. 95, XP, 7, 10 has run really poorly on >5 year old chips at the time of launching. And MS got panned at “how slow” is was. But it was also the norm to update your PC more often. Now speed increases have slowed and Moore’s Law has ended, it’s about security and performance hit of said security. The truth is, the kernel hardening and malware protection and encryption built into 11 to make it far less likely to get infected than 10 and 7 means it needs the hardware support to do it. Without it, it runs far slower or is less secure. Neither anyone wants.

When 10 support ends in 2 years time, the lowest supported processor for 11 will be nearly 9 years old…


Wait until Corporate sees the new data storage rates for 365 for next year and their potential new bill for cloud storage.

They’ll be spinning up those server room file servers in no time.
