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ʎlsnoıɹǝs sǝɹnʇɔıd ɹo ǝɯɐuɹǝsn ǝɥʇ ǝʞɐʇ ʇ,uoᗡ

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If you’re ever looking for cheap jewelry/earrings, you should be very very careful.

CTV Marketplace did an investigation a few years ago, and they found that a lot of children’s jewelry contained high levels of lead and/or cadmium. These pieces were found in multiple places, including Claires and H&M. Some children’s makeup was also contaminated.


Did you see the edit? It might have taken a bit to update the change. I noticed and added a bit at the end after removing that part lol

Thank you for replying to


Christians and Catholics permanently steered me away from being religious before I was even in high school.


People might have not collectively cared, specifically and especially the people who likely didn’t see half of the population as human.

The victims have always cared, was my initial main point. To claim otherwise would be to also deny the sentience of those people.

Idk if you can see it on your instance/browser, but I didn’t vote on the comment.

Added: I agree that people in general have had some level of shitty ethics though, in one way or another. Especially historically. I didn’t see it was you asking either, sorry about that lol.


The wording kind of implies that it’s only recently that people started seeing rape as a bad thing. I would argue otherwise.

I think that the people who were victims of it over the past centuries probably already thought it was a bad thing, along with anyone who cared about them. It’s not a new revelation. People have been trying to spread awareness about this happening for multiple generations.

It’s an extremely low moral bar, to be honest. Some actions are indefensible and inexcusable. Anyone who had even half of a heart would have still cared about this happening over a hundred years ago.

It’s caring about your mother/sister/daughter/friend/teacher/nurse/mechanic/niece/neighbour/cousin/welder/artist/etc. If you care at all about any of them, this should have always been important to you. It’s wanting people to not suffer.

It would be like saying that people only recently started caring when someone murders innocent people. It’s always been terrible, and the offenders have always been terrible.


Live and let live. Their choice doesn’t have any impact on you


I think you raised a good point. A household where one or both parents is heavy into coding or missing would probably help them more than a household that only relies on ‘smart’ technology. Either of those options would be way more helpful for these skills than growing up without any technology, which is just reality for a lot of people.

I know someone from Gen Z who is horrible with computers. I also know someone from Gen Z who is fantastic with computers.

To be honest, I don’t think any generation is immune to this, despite what some want to think.

My personal experience might be biased, but I’ve also seen a lot of millenials in their early to mid 30s who struggle with almost anything online. Too damn many. I’ve also seen some people from Gen X who are beyond tech illiterate. We don’t really talk about those guys though.

There is still time to fix this problem with the younger Gen Z, but there’s almost never any discussion about actually doing that either. “Gen Z” also includes kids who are around 12, but we often act like Gen Z all grew up into adults. Let’s get some of that school funding back ffs! Kids have to learn from somewhere, and many of their parents seem to not care about teaching them any of this stuff.

Many of us were lucky enough to grow up when most of this technology was still developing. We HAD to troubleshoot things if we wanted them to work. Fewer things were locked behind “customer service” and crappy warranties. You could physically open things up to fix them without having such a high risk of breaking them in the process.


Ever notice how other vehicles don’t usually do that, even when they can? It’s possible to do in a wagon too, but that’s uncommon to see. You should look at the physics sometime.

If your bed is empty, your vehicle will have less weight. Larger vehicles need that extra weight for traction, as their centre of gravity is higher. Smaller vehicles will have a lower centre of gravity, so they usually won’t need that extra weight.

I’ve never seen that aspect described as a “pro” before. In the past, I’ve mainly only heard pick up drivers complaining about it being a pain in the arse to do.

Edit: I think this might have been a joke lol. It’s too early. I’ll leave this up anyways
