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It’s been super refreshing to have some change, before I’d check comments on Reddit I could generally guess the top 3 comments and be right almost always. Take into account that sometimes things get crossposted and reposted and it starts to show you how unoriginal it all can be.


Ugh people just commenting “this” to every top comment and getting upvoted like crazy drove me batty. It doesn’t add to the conversation and anytime I mentioned it on Reddit I’d get 100 people just replying “this” underneath… Hoping that one track mentality can be different here. It’s one thing to have it happen once, but for it to be every single time someone brings it up is kinda a drag. Like ya hur dur we get it, but it gets old fast.


Sigh and it begins…


It’ll be interesting to hear from the odd user that kept their accounts how things change in the coming weeks and months. It’s cool that so many websites made articles about it but it still felt very clickbait and polarized on even those sights. Users will know the truth and hopefully update us on the shitshow to come.


I’m on tildes, it’s really refreshing and easy to use.
Main difference is that it seems to cater more of a serious adult conversations, which after years of being able to predict most comments before looking in Reddit, is very refreshing.
Lots less memes, communities are pre set and can’t be created, seems to be to make sure to populate them before creating sub categories that people may see as in active and avoid.
Overall it feels like fedworld is best overall experience, squabbles is memes and lighthearted and tildes is more deep and thought out style of interaction.


I think I started on iPhone 3, if that’s possible. Alien blue sounds too familiar to me and I think I read it was iOS. Means I’ve been around longer than the 10 years on rif, if my memory is correct. End of the day it’s a damn shame, greed everywhere you look, amazing how one person or a few can affect thousands so easily.


Reddit was something unique and personal to each user. Some it was new, some it was the only place to find specific tech or other advice that wasn’t corrupted by ads and algorithms on goggle and other big corporations.
Reddit was my way of disengaging from world news before I knew about anxiety, and how things could affect me and become personal even though I had no way to help world events. So I used it to personalize my mental diet, if I was creative I could sub to many craft subs like leather or metal etc, it’s where I went to get other perspectives on movies and content that I didn’t fully understand.
End of the day, is all that possible still on Reddit, kinda, but it’s going away, and they pushed me personally to leave as I could see it was becoming google/Facebook, ad algorithms to push what people pay for or get paid for. So time to reset.
Become involved, I’m way more involved and adding to discussions on the new sites I’m on. Everyone adding comments and posts and perspectives and opinions are building this up from bottom up.
You are the future, make your perspective part of the future by helping guide these new sites to something we can be proud of.


I think it maybe important for us to all collectively shift our views on commenting on “old” posts. I’m going to give myself a 2 week window on commenting on threads. If everyone had this kinda attitude it may help with engagement short term til things start picking up long term.


I always stuck with front page and never was on popular or all, I feel that was my saving grace. Also reposts and crossposted content drove me batty, so overtime unsubbed from groups that got political or negative. I wasn’t subbing to just kitty cat pictures, more so hobbies, movies, and specific YouTubers like rlm etc. That’s why I mentioned that everyone’s experience was different, just a few different subs and the whole experience is different.

I’m in a demographic that people actively try to push and radicalize as well, so even if I am frustrated with things and how they affect me, I always keep one foot out and try to be super aware of that. I feel some, not all obviously get caught up over time and it erodes who they are and normalizes some really crazy things. So when I realize something like American politics is affecting me and my day, as a Canadian, I step back and look at what I’m letting into my mental diet.

End of day I hope we all learn from the past and can improve on what worked and avoid what didn’t. There’s no reason to not learn from the past and try to grow in a positive way.


On android. Right now I have a shortcut from browser on my homepage. App would be great all around. Problem I’m having is every time I click on it I have to sign in, even if I choose remember me. Second problem is it opens a new tab in my browser, and with tildes and squabble (just got squabble app thankfully) it adds up fast and I’ll have 12 tabs of just these sites in my browser.
Also have not seen any prompts to install.
