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Either Intel is extremely incompetent and genuinely has no idea what is causing this problem or it knows full well is doing all it can to drag this out and avoid recalls. This saga has been going on all year now this is getting ridiculous.


He is just a continuous liar, its about taxes it always is.


Its bad releasing a product that is faulty, it always has an impact. But if the company spends a year trying to hide the fact it is fault, fails to recall and replace and ultimately acts in a dishonest way they will get sued in the future and the hit to their reputation will be much larger. Mistakes are made its how a company handles them that defines how bad the outcome will be on future sales and Intel is failing this test in a big way.


Looks like the story of the night is going to be not that Labour gained lots of votes but that Reform has split the Conservative vote and collapsed their vote as a result and its gifted Labour a lot of wins. Lots of tactical voting has led to the Lib Dems gaining a lot of seats too.

Reform has gained enormously, the Greens and Lib Dems less so.


People need to stop doing inversions. At some point you are going to spill it and now we have good valve based options its not even necessary to stop the tiny amount of dripping that occurs. Even before we had the several valve solutions the amount that actually dripped through was tiny and had no impact on the flavour of the cup of coffee since you could put the plunger in and create a slight negative pressure that kept the liquid in.

James Hoffman taste tested this and couldn’t tell the difference, he has a fantastic video on what is actually worth doing and what isn’t with the Aeropress and inversion isn’t.


I don’t think so. There are so many fronts on the war on bigotry and little progress has been made in 100 years. This feels like an innate property of human beings and humans will always be easy to manipulate to make them hate those that look a little different. About the only practical thing that might help is we criminalise bigotry that might damp it down a lot but people will still behave in bigoted ways they can get away with.


I feel like all this effort in a variety of countries will only delay the far right for a short period. The far right will be in charge of a large number of western governments and ultimately be the new world order within a few years and I don’t now see any way to stop that. The French might hold it back this election but unless how they handle the far right changes it will continue to grow and win the next one and no amount of manipulation will change it.


It really depends on the project. Some of them take breaking changes seriously and don’t do them and auto migrate and others will throw them out on “minor” number releases and there might be a lot of breaking changes but you only run into one that impacts you occasionally. I typically don’t want containers that are going to be a lot of work to keep up to date so I jettison projects that have unreliable releases for whatever reason and if they put out a breaking change its a good time to re evaluate whether I want that container at all and look at alternatives.

So no its not safe, but depending on the project it actually can be.


This is having big real world consequences. In Long Covid research there has been a tonne of near duplication of work and its apparent none of the work is really building on prior work as the sheer volume of papers is impossible to keep up with. Most of its unremarkable in the sense it hasn’t moved further than findings on ME/CFS from decades prior, so much of the work is too shallow to be of use.

Then the other side of this is the psychology side of things which has been publishing some grade A nonsense and none of the findings hold up to any scrutiny once a replication is attempted.

There there is all the widespread fraud where medical images have been fabricated in various ways, the data often shows clear signs of fabrication as well.

Its a real mess and its harming real people who need this research to inform proper treatments.


There is nothing seasonal about Covid, we get a wave every time it mutates sufficiently. Initially that was about five waves a year in 2022 but the past year it’s been two to three. The lulls however still have substantial constant infection usually in the region of 1 in 50 to 1 in 100 while the peaks of waves can be 1 in 10. Now the gaps between waves have more people infected than the peaks of infections in 2020 and 2021.

The risk of Long Covid hasn’t changed much, there are still substantial deaths every year. It’s all bad news really, no treatments on the horizon to solve it just declining life expectancy and health the more we catch and spread it.
