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Budwig_v_1337hoven [he/him]
32 posts • 169 comments
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where are you looking during the movement (don’t look up, or try to follow the bar with your eyes) you want a fixed point on a wall to stare at so your neck is straight during the press

also, there’s a certain movement of your upper back (it’s probably got a name but I forget), basically you need to move your chin/head out of the barpath and then sort of tuck under after the bar clears your face. You do this by moving in/out the whole upper body/back, not just the neck area or head

Idk these two could probably lead to neck pain if done incorrectly


some days you’re the robot, some days you’re the dog,

and other times you just happen to be a raccoon with a surplus ghetto blaster

I liked it as well, go watch it


If the Ukraine war has taught me anything, it’s that you can drone people for a few hundred bucks now.

Learn to hack, learn to quadcopter

Like, get really into FPV racing or something, of course


someone needs to inspire Musk to build a hospital bed with a couple of industrial robot Cyber arms for accommodation and cyber care

if we also get him to test it on himself, I’m sure we can get this midgley to midgley himself in half


very illuminating post, thanks for all of it.

I’m trying to understand my weed consumption better, and how it might be related to my a(u?)dhd. I’ve heard many with adhd self-medicate with weed for the stimulation, is that right? Have you written about weed and audhd before or do you have any resources you think are worthwhile? It just doesn’t seem to have the same effect with me than with more allistic people, or at least it seems that way to me - and I’m curious about the connection there, if there is any; especially the differences in adhd+weed and audhd+weed.

If you have any experiences or third-hand knowledge to share there, I’d be greatly appreciative. If not, that’s fine too, I’ve learned a lot already from your posts; so thank you again.


lemons are great for this. You don’t need all of it, just the skin. press the lemon and enjoy the juice, put the skins on the glass rack and you’ll have a fresh lemon flavor when opening the door. needs replacing every other wash or so (they get hard and stop smelling)


you just gotta take the whole lane bro, take space like a car


don’t overthink, just grab a bar and start lifting
There probably are mean people at the gym, but generally, I feel like outside the gym people are generally meaner. Everyone’s there to try and grow and work on themselves, most don’t care for you at all. Don’t sweat how you’re gonna be perceived, just go there and work and sweat
keep it very simple until you’re in the groove (meaning you go regularly), then slowly start adjusting and/or optimizing for whatever you’re trying to accomplish exactly
listen to your body. When something hurts, try to really feel what exactly hurts and how. If anything but your muscles themselves hurt (joints especially), stop for now, you need either more time to adjust or you’re doing something wrong. Try to figure out which one it is, by taking it easy and giving yourself some time anyway

there’s a bunch of good resources linked in the c/fitness sidebar, you could take a look there for some of your questions - but I can’t stress enough, how the most important thing is to just get into the habit of actually going there, anything else comes second. If obsessing about your split/workout will get you to go, have at it. If you just want to go and not care much for what exact plan your following, that’s fine too, as long as you keep going. First few weeks/months is much more about building a habit and building the neurological capacity for certain exercises than anything else, really. Take it easy, keep going, listen to the signals your body sends you, keep refining and you’ll be golden. It takes time, be patient

bit in a rush, sorry if this is a bit disjointed
